Chapter 6 Summary – The Restaurant Business

In chapter the reader is introduced to the ubiquitous social outlet of restaurants. the author initiates by conveying that restaurants are places that offer the combined attraction of social interaction and food.  They stress that restaurants function more than just to provide a decent meal.  Restaurants also seek to deliver endearing service and a memorable dining experience. The text goes on to say that for a restaurant to prosper  it must have an appropriate combination of appealing service, food, location and atmosphere. All these elements must be tailored to the type of customer they wish to attract. The location  and relative geography is particularly important for determining a potential market and customer demographic. In addition, the nature of a restaurant’s menu and its pricing configuration must not only correspond with the tastes of desired customers but also the capabilities of employees and the existing kitchen equipment. The text continues by detailing the division of restaurants between those that are part of chain and those that are independent. It concludes by outlining the various designations used for describing restaurants such as fine dining, casual dining, ethnic, and fast food/quick service.

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