Monthly Archives: September 2022

BP #3

The three articles have a similar message and content. For instance, the authors of all three articles emphasized the importance of orality and how it has impacted us throughout history. All authors portray a message that knowledge is manipulated in … Continue reading

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BP 3

The readings from Trask, Gee, and Rath all connect from the concept of orality: communication that’s spoken or verbal; through different cultures and their languages. From Trask’s “From a Native Daughter,” she expresses a sense of confusion or rather a … Continue reading

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Growing Up with Technology

Growing Up with Technology I really had to think hard about what my first memories with technology was. As you get older, your memories begin to fade little by little and they become somewhat ambiguous. Technology is a part of … Continue reading

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BP #3

The three passages of Rath, Trask, and Gee speak of the importance of learning orality and the importance of learning orality to understand the history of the people or the culture a historian is trying to understand. When reading, Trask … Continue reading

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BP 3

A famous phrase all through out the world, “History is written by the victors.” All throughout history and even modern times we can see the validity in this quote. We can see it the native tribes losing their power and … Continue reading

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The thought process of Melody- TECH LIT

Through the process of writing this essay I have compared the ways that Ive identified my connections orality, literacy, and technology. Ive learned to identify how I use these concepts every day and how they connect with each other.   … Continue reading

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BP #3

From these readings I got that they all connected to culture, and how our culture shape the person that we become, and as we develop a scene of self. Haunani-Kay Trask became a part of the culture there because of … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative, Nabin Tiwari

A story of how reading comes in many forms, and how modern technology can assist in further developing someone’s ability through interest. Read about how Nabin, a child who hated reading and writing grew an interest in it through the … Continue reading

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BP #3

Trask, Rath, and Gee’s articles both connect to orality. — a form of communication and language often associated with the “primitive.” Trask’s article depicts the lost history of Native Hawaiians, which was lost in context after being falsely rewritten by … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative

A love-hate letter to writing and the modern technologies and languages we use today. Leapfrog, a 5-year-old Diana’s best friend. Modern technology shaped the way that Diana learned to read and write, but will Diana stick to the modern world … Continue reading

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Though this assignment was a bit of a challenging I got around it pretty well. After being stuck and clueless about where to start for a bit I just started answering the questions though that wasn’t the hardest part for … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative

I sat in front of the screen of my laptop, staring at the blank, white page of Microsoft word. Where do I start? I was stumped. I had no idea where to start. I took my favorite pen and favorite … Continue reading

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Culture influences the way we identify ourselves and the way we interact with the world around us. This can be said for the Hawaiians as their culture includes orality and years of experience on the land passed on by generation … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative

I enjoyed writing this paper because this allowed me to really delve into my past and recognize how I learned literacy, as well as how I witnessed the advancement of technology in my life. I relied on my mother to … Continue reading

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BP #3

Knowledge is history and if you don’t have any evidence to back up your argument, you don’t have a voice. Trask, Rath and Gee show us that knowledge can be manipulated. As a society grows it takes shape by the … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative

I took a long time writing about my early childhood struggle but it was still clear in my head. I was searching for what to do in life with so many obstacles in my way. To reach the best of … Continue reading

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Bp #2

The author literally says that many activities wouldn’t exist without electric light. For instance, brain surgery, factories, electrical devices, etc. Intellectually one innovation led to another, for example, the invention of the telephone. Currently, we can access the world through … Continue reading

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McLuhan: “In accepting an honorary degree from the University of Notre Dame a few years ago, General David Sarnoff made this statement: ‘We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the sins of those who wield them. … Continue reading

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Electric speed mingles the cultures of prehistory with the dregs of industrial marketeers, the nonliterate with the semi-literate and the postliterate. Mental breakdown of varying degrees is the very common result of uprooting and inundation with new information and endless … Continue reading

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BP 2

The Medium is the Message “Today when we want to get our bearings of our own culture, and have need to stand aside from the bias and pressure exerted by any technical form of human expression, we have only to … Continue reading

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Tech Lit Narrative

My Journey to Technology- Tech Lit Narrative Writing this was really reflective as I had to dig deep into my memories about what technology was and how I was introduced to it. Since the introduction of technology, it has really … Continue reading

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BP #2

Literally: McLuhan’s, The Message is the Medium explains to the reader that the Medium influences how a message is perceived. McLuhan talks about the rise of technology through history and tells the reader that although automation has eliminated jobs., it … Continue reading

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BP #2

” The American stake in literacy as a technology or uniformity applied to every level of education, government, industry, and social life is totally threatened by the electric technology.” Literally:  This quote from ” The Medium is the Message,” by … Continue reading

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BP 2

“The American stake in literacy as a technology or uniformity applied to every level of education, government, industry, and social life is totally threatened by the electric technology. The threat of Stalin or Hitler was external. The electric technology is … Continue reading

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BP 1

GEE: “The discourse practices associated with our schools represent the world view of mainstream and powerful institutions in our society; these discourse practices and their concomitant world view are necessary for social and economic success in our society. But they … Continue reading

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BP #1- Melody Garcia

GEE: “The discourse practices associated with our schools represent the world view of mainstream and powerful institutions in our society; these discourse practices and their concomitant world view are necessary for social and economic success in our society. But they … Continue reading

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BP #1

  In Gee passage he states”An unacceptable large number of children, a disproportionate number of whom are from low- income and minority homes, fail to gian functional literacy in schools;and functionally illiterate or only marginally literate.” What I think that … Continue reading

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BP 1

James Paul Gee: The quote I am choosing is: “But one major factor keeps literacy, apart from any cultural context, in focus: the claim that literacy leads to higher order cognitive skills.” It basically means that literacy can affect the … Continue reading

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Gee: “Olson’s (1977) claims for the cognitive effects of literacy-that, for example, it “unambiguously represents meanings” (p. 264)-refer only to one type of literacy, the essay-text form of writing prevalent in Western culture and supported by our schools. In fact, … Continue reading

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BP #1

Gee    “But a contrary current has developed, a current which sees literacy as necessarily plural: Different societies and social subgroups have different types of literacy, and literacy has different social and mental effects in different social and cultural contexts. … Continue reading

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BP Post #1

Gee: The discourse practices associated with our schools represent the world view of mainstream and powerful institutions in our society; necessary for social and economic success in our society. When Gee wrote this I think he’s saying that whatever a … Continue reading

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BP #1

James Paul Gee, Orality and Literacy: From The Savage Mind to Ways With Words is an overview of orality. Gee mentions different dichotomies in his article, such as primitive vs. modern. A passage that particularly piqued my interest in this … Continue reading

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BP #1

Sandy- In the article “Orality and Literacy: From The Savage Mind to Ways with Words,” written by James Paul Gee the quote that I chose was ” while oral cultures produce powerful verbal performances which may in fact no longer … Continue reading

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Warm-up Post

My name is Aaron Nieves and I was born and raised in NYC. I am Puerto Rican and Cuban. I am currently a Professional and Technical Writing major here at City Tech. At the moment, I currently work as a … Continue reading

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BP #1

Khaled Akam Society is given at two faces of a whole, showing as at view point that writers are important to our upbringings but the second is hiding the construction of thought one could give in literacy. James Paul Gee … Continue reading

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