
Electric speed mingles the cultures of prehistory with the dregs of industrial marketeers, the nonliterate with the semi-literate and the postliterate. Mental breakdown of varying degrees is the very common result of uprooting and inundation with new information and endless new patterns of information.


Literarily :In the article “The message is the medium ”tries to make the readers understand how a message is recognize, that as the world changes and evolves and most people have a choice of education,there’s a new sense of connection with the way we can now communicate. And now with such a rise with technology some worry about what’s going to do with the society we live in.

Intellectually:With this passage you can more that see that technology has a great part in our lives and we can see how much we are impacted by reading this.in may way such as personal lives st young people can not live  without social media and with even school are now more than ever encourages laptops and tables in school.

Emotionally:I found that this reading was a bit of a challenge but as I read on I came to realize that this does make sense. In reading the passage i lot i tent to compare myself and i do tend to have a little Mental breakdown from  information that is uprooting from techno;ohy 

Connection:  these article relate because posman stated that “something has happened in America that is strange and dangerous, and there is only a dull and even stupid awareness of what is” and i agree most times too much of one thing id not good for you to much technology ca ne come dangerous even.Just as McLuhan’s stat that the government and education and society is trented by electric technology.

“I propose to say a few more words about this erstwhile unreadable text, in order to lay out some thoughts about writing and literacy in what I like to call the contact zones. I use this term to refer to social spaces where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other, often in con texts of highly asymmetrical relations of power, such as colonialism, slavery, or their aftermaths as they are lived out in many parts of the world today. Eventually I will use the term to reconsider the models of community that many of us rely on  in teaching and theorizing and that are under challenge today.”


Literally:While reading “The Arts of the Contact Zone ”By Mary Louise Pratt it explains to the  reader about her idea of the contact zones.which was explained is the social spaces that cultures can either meet or they can also  clash. She also  explains that  contact zoes are forms of expression that show different points of views  but they can also  be read in the wrong way. That’s what causes the crash at times.

 Intellectually:Reading this passage makes me want to think more about my past, not only my past but people before me as well. Though times have changed how things used to be, I still see some of the same thing going on. We might have many new techno;ogy the guild use along the way but we also need that pass

Emotionally:It’s not only sad but kind of like an eye opener because being I was born in a different country, coming here caused all sorts of things to change in my life,and I was constantly viewed as an outsider sometime still now.


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One Response to BP#2

  1. HI Simmone, There are parts to this post that are very promising. Make sure to go back over your work and read it aloud so that you can hear and see where things may be breaking down. You didn’t finish out the last part for the second quote.

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