Monthly Archives: May 2016

Reflective Paper

Everyone have a great Summer. ReflectionPaper- Final

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Final Final Work. Reflective Paper

Dear Professor Leston Its been great taking your class, thank you for your patience with me. See you around in the major. Have a great summer

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Final Reflective paper

I am so grateful to have taken this course with all of you. It has been very enlightening and fun and I am a bit saddened to have to let it go. I hope you to see you guys in … Continue reading

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Final Reflective Paper

We’re at the end of the semester FINALLY!!!!!. Of course I’m joking but I hope everyone learned something this semester, and hope to see everyone again next semester. Have a great summer. finalletter Simone H

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Reflective Paper

ReflectivePaperENG1710 (Abigale) This paper signifies the end of the semester for all of us. I hope you all walked away with an abundant amount of information and knowledge. I definitely did. Thanks for the support and the enlightenment this semester. … Continue reading

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Reflective paper

Here is the reflective paper. This marks the end of this class, hope you all have a enjoyable summer. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ reflective paper (Joshua Vega)

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Final Project

Infographic. i decided to do police brutality in the United States. In this project it shows the statistics on how minorities are being treated but the whites are barely being untouched. The project shows how white people feel extremely confident … Continue reading

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Final Project

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Creative Detournement

Infographic: Culture Jam: Inspirational:

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Creative Detournement

Infographic: Culture jam: Inspirational: This creative detournement project was one of the toughest projects to finish throughout the course of this class. My process throughout this project was quite stressful and obsessive. For the infographic i had to find a … Continue reading

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Creative Projects: (Culture Jam, Infographic, and Inspirational Piece)

**I have tried to my best to scale and resize my culture jam and infographic, but Open Lab won’t allow me to post images above 10MB. I really do not know what else can be done to ensure that the … Continue reading

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Infographic, Culture Jam, Inspirational project

The Infographic was the most difficult of the three projects I had to do. I had to revise it many times to get the message that i want across and to do it so i do not use too many … Continue reading

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Infographic / Creative Detournement (Culture Jam) / Art Project (Inspirational)

My revisions for my infographic image was keeping the font size uniform for the entire image. All the captions are font size 40, and the text is font size 31. I also made all the opacity is of the line … Continue reading

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Response 15

I had some trouble with trying to figure out what I wanted my inspirational message to be and I’m still struggling with it a bit. For this poster,I wanted an image that really makes someone think about how our actions … Continue reading

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For my inspirational image the message I wanted to convey was we don’t live on different worlds whether its a male dominated world, a world that runs on money, or a world with just one race of people, and what … Continue reading

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Response 15

So I’ve spent hours and hours trying to come up with an idea for this inspirational piece and execute it on pixlr. I wanted to create a piece that could have many interpretations. I chose to do a piece on … Continue reading

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Response 15

This is my inspirational piece. I wanted to make something that is both visually eye grabbing but is thoughtful when you take a moment to look at it. The lion represents courage and the girl is a magical girl hence … Continue reading

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Response 15

This was my sketch draft for the inspirational portion of the creative project. As I stated in Response 13, “This is a jigsaw puzzle representation of our planet or a globe. I’ve decided to use the traditional green and blue colors because … Continue reading

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Cultural jam

I plan to add to this and change some things around. The text will change and i will most likely fill in the words with text of companies to better understand the meaning of i am conveying

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Updated Culture Jam

For my culture jam i revamped my idea and decided to hijack a popular website with videos that end up all over Facebook, Instagram and, Twitter. These videos often feature violence, nudity and sexual content masking it as hip-hop culture.

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Updated Culture Jam

Here is my culture jams that I have been working on. I am not completely done with it and it does not portray all of the things that I would like it to have, I know that I need to … Continue reading

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Revised Issue Paper

I decided to redo my issue paper based on the feedback from Prof. Leston hopefully I fixed my errors. issuepaper-edited

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Response#14 – Revision

I have changed my culture jam to Exxon Mobil. A  Texas oil and gas company who uses a type of drilling process called Fracking. Fracking has been a controversial issue because this process has lead to environmental concerns, such as … Continue reading

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Culture Jam: Revision

This is option 1 for my culture jam. I can use this logo by itself to convey a message and/or ideology. I was told that the logo looked way too similar to the original and needed something to make it stand … Continue reading

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response 14

For my culture jam I chose not to use the GIMP program, i used Pixlr instead. I was going to stick to my original draft plan, but then I starting thinking about something I’ve argued repeatedly in class. So I’ve … Continue reading

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Culture Jaming

I decided to the clothing company named Forever 21. One my gimp, it have an “X” through the number “21” and on the bottom it says “IN TROUBLE”. I chose this company because, throughout the years they have been sued … Continue reading

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For my culture jam my initial idea was either the AARP organization and try to display how the elderly are treated or something with Absolut Vodka. I had a hard time figuring how to make it work, so I decided … Continue reading

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Response 14

This is what i was able to create. It is what i imagined in my head and just needs some fine tuning. I was able to get the images to fit in with the lettering and everything seems to fit … Continue reading

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Response 14

The photo directly below is my manipulated version of the DirecTV logo. This is almost identical to the draft I sketched a couple of weeks ago (also included below). For this image manipulation I used Adobe Fireworks. I preferred to … Continue reading

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Infographic Draft

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Class Assignment – 5/4/2016

Joshua’s Example of An Infographic: Dark setting in which the colors provide immediate focal points for the viewers. The infographic appears to be divided to show the importance of visual information. The boxed areas of the infographic vary in size, … Continue reading

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Group Work (Briana& Simone) 5/4/16

Helpful points of infographics: States purpose of the infographic briefly at the top of the image In a visual sense, the picture of the American flag is used as the graph that holds the information Has an understandable legend that … Continue reading

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Infograph: Classwork 5/4/16

What I noticed from my info-graphic example was each section had a sub-heading that went along with the topic of the overall info-graph. The font of the text was uniform in its size from the top to the bottom. Line … Continue reading

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Honestly, I was really frustrated for days on this infographic I was being very critical of my work. I’m interested in any feedback anyone could give me.

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Infograph: Trap Laws

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Infographic: Gun Violence in Chicago

I am interested in knowing what everyone thinks. If there is anything you think I need to add/remove, feel free to comment and let me know. I definitely want to keep the color scheme (red, black, and white), so I probably … Continue reading

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