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Unit 3: Genre Determination

In unit 2’s project of “Reflective Annotated Bibliography”, I researched the 2020 presidential election and provided facts plus details on the whole event. In my research, I discussed the methods of how votes were taken, which was by mail. Since the Covid pandemic happened, numerous people chose to project their voting forms through the mail so they could maintain a distance from long queues of people gathering to avoid the spread of covid. Since this method is new for some, there were many issues regarding how the votes were submitted. President Trump and his campaign planned on suing Michigan Secretary of State for counting votes of people who had passed away before the election. This accused fraud ended up being a human error since the death certificates for those voters were sent three days after the election. Since most of the ballots were sent through by mail, tallying the votes had taken a long time which, brought a delay to recognize who might be our next president. In my research, I had also discussed the problems faced in our country, such as the pandemic, economic slump, and racial injustice. I provided information as to how these issues made this 2020 election the most important. 

 Artist Statement

There were countless reasons why I was interested in the 2020 presidential election, one being how this specific one would change our lives forever. I became engaged in learning how major problems in our country like racial injustice, covid pandemic, and economic fall will get treated once Trump gets re-elected. I was additionally interested in how this political race had occurred with the mail-in ballots and its results.

I chose an audience of individuals who are not well educated on this presidential race and are willing to learn to help with next year’s election. These groups of people should hear about this topic because being educated about who will shape our country to improve conditions and how they plan on doing it is essential to know. Likewise, knowing all the missteps that were made in the current year’s race will help them sort out techniques to make the following one simpler. 

To present my topic, I used a format such as magazine articles. I choose this form because it presented my information in a proper way where others could understand it. This was the best way to communicate my ideas since it allowed me to speak in parts of many issues I wanted to explain. This format also provided a way to include various details into my topic so my viewers could get the most out of my work. 

This presentation showed others in a clear way what had happened on election day and what would happen in the following time. To make my presentation better, I should have communicated a greater amount of my thoughts so others could get a better understanding of what I’m educating about. This might have assisted people with framing their ideas also.

Julian Martinez Unit 3 Final

Julian Martinez

12/22/20 Artist statement


I decided to make an infogram to look like a pamphlet of being introduced to video gaming and its benefits. The genre I chose included a lot of images to clearly express who should play video games and what are the benefits. I personally love my connection with video games since I was a child and I thought clearly sharing my experiences and gains will help nonvideo gamers find interest in this world of technology. During this terrible year of 2020 filled with coronavirus and stress, I realized what people can do while at home to have entertainment but also have educational, mental, and physical benefits. Play video games, of course, this world of technology inspiration and creativity would be the best choice to get this year off of people’s minds while enjoying themselves. So I decided to create an infogram, this infogram includes many reasons why video games are good for everyone such as the elderly, teens, children, and adults. Along with that included reasons why video games are good for you and what they offer such as improving the player’s memory skills. Who wouldn’t like to have a better memory? After all, with better memory, anyone can figure out certain solutions to things they would not have known before. And an improvement of physical skills while playing video games, you wouldn’t need to travel to the gym then pay for a membership to work out. As I reflect on my project if I had the ability I would advertise it worldwide online right now to help as many people as possible in these terrible times. 




Portfolio and reflection

This semester was really hard for me, i didn’t have any motivation to do anything since it was a remote learning and its online.It was also really hard for most students since college is really expensive and people that don’t have any laptop and it’s really important to own a laptop if you are in college because they ask for many things,Students also have been through tough times,losing the ones you love can be really hard on anyone and trying to protect your family could be also hard and exhausted if you are the oldest and they only have you.I get really dizzy if i stayed couple hours on my laptop and i find it really hard to finish any of my assignments and i try to finish them on time and fast.I feel like that no matter what we are going through we have to fight it together and to keep motivating each other and never lose hope.I tried my best to do every work i possibly can do and i added all my effort and hope in it.


My favourite assignment to do was unit one when we started talking about our personal experience with education, and i think that i talked about how i feel about education and how that we always saw it as it is something boring nd that we don’t need it and that we would be better without it.during quarantine you had plenty stuff to do and especially reconnecting with your parents and siblings again,i was really open when i was talking about my journey with education and it was really hard for me to get some stuff but i had it managed and i did my best to get everything.In the assignment I addressed the way my actions and interests changed due to the changing world and the culture at school,. A comparison between the work I did previously in the semester and the time I did later is that in all the tasks I demonstrated imagination.


After completing some of the lessons we had, there were several important lessons I have gained. After watching the documentary “I Am Not Your Negro,” I knew not only what, but what James Baldwin stood for. I saw how ridiculous it is that people continue to fight for fundamental human rights these days and face the same problems. As roles and genres change, I have been able to extend my ability to investigate and gather crucial data and knowledge about my subjects.For unit 3 it made do research about multiple things that i found really interesting and i also thought of the audience and what can be an issue that everyone is facing right now and i really wanted to talk about it,because most people just ignore the huge stuff that are the real problem and start focusing on some small things that won’t even make a difference whether it was still there or not.i tried to make it really simple and i tried explaining every point so that no one goes through any confusion.I felt like this semester was stressful in terms of all the courses we had to complete and plan for, but I managed to resolve this by administering my time and taking advantage of my environment. I do believe that numbers don’t determine my character nor my importance in the grand scheme of things, but I think it’s still necessary to do your best in something that you want to do, but I’m not sure that the number of people can dictate my personality or my value in the big scheme of things.

Week 5

Jade Wearing

Week 5

My experience with education can be seen as both positive and negative. I believe that education is very important and useful but I also believe that not everything a person learns or may learn is important and relevant in their lives. There were times where I have done really well in classes that I was most interested in and enjoyed being in, and there were times where I have done very poorly in the classes that I didn’t find interesting or relevant to me and what I wanted to do and didn’t take it seriously. There was also a point of time where I was getting teased a lot in school which impacted the way I was and the way I performed in school. During these tough times, I turned to something positive which helped me get through it, and it this case it was video games. With the help of video games in my life and my love for playing them, getting through school was so much easier and better for me which was and is a major factor on how I view school and education.

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