Tag Archives: privacy

Assignment 9B (Google)

Vaidhyanathan argues that, “we trust google with our personal info and preferences and without access to knowledge because we  trust technology that satisfies our prejudices”, I believe this true when it comes to information or basically anything that comes to mind. We depend a lot on google for the answer.Google is a very huge popular search engine that people rely on. I always use google whenever I need an answer to my question. Google is the only search engine that I use. People put their trust in google because it is fast and you are able to find almost anything that you are looking for. Some people put out their personal information and preferences out there because they believe that google is a trusting source of technology.What people love so much about Google is the fact that it is high-speed and they think that they receive information very close to what they are searching for. Google tracks every information about you. Google has access to your photos, and they also can track where you are going from google maps. I trust google for the most part whenever I need a quick answer to my question and whenever I need to look something up. I don’t trust  google with my personal information. You don’t really know if your information is secured.

Google is the most trusted website because of its branding and Google opening statement declares “When you use our services, you trust us with your information.” Yet I do not have total trust in Google or any other site. Mainly because Google has all my personal information and knows my activities. Google’s presence in the digital world has set up a vast framework that has incorporated email, cloud computing, Apps, maps, and docs, that is seems to be accepted globally.Google is the one I used the most and but as much as I want to think that everything is secure, it really isn’t.Google tracks and records my actions. This can often feel like an intrusion of privacy and makes me cautious about my personal documents and pictures. Everyone knows Google and mentions using it therefore this makes me think it’s the most reliable search engine however I do not trust it with my person information . I do prefer Google over other search engines because it is fast and you can find more results.

Assignment 9B

Vaidhyanathan argues that, “we trust google with our personal info and preferences and without access to knowledge because we trust technology that satisfies our prejudices.” I agree with Vaidhyanathan. We have our google accounts which is filled with our personal information, we use google for any search question we have, we type anything on google and believe anything we find on there. We do all of this without access to knowledge on what google does with our information and weather we should trust it or not. We like google so much because it indeed does satisfy our prejudices. Google is a world wide search engine that you can find all kinds of things that satisfies anyone’s opinion. This is either political, racism, or economically. Google is so big that No I do not trust google. Google is a big company that has no ethics now because of how important it is. Its always going to try to find a way to satisfy its costumers at any cost. For example if I type something on google like “watches” I will later get so many ads on watches. This is because google tracts what you search and sends it to other company s and the companies pay google to distribute their ads. Also google images is really dangerous too. Google takes any photo of you that has been posted online like Facebook or a blog and puts it on there. Google has no boundaries. They tract everything you do and its not trustworthy.

Assignment 3B

I believe that people do have the right to be forgotten because there is a lot of negative, inaccurate, and outdated information stored on the web that gets mixed in with the significant ones and it can lead to misinformation on what or who gets searched. There is also the issue that some acts that may have been committed in a naĂŻve, ignorant, or childish period in someone’s life has the possibility to be dredged up again. Although time had passed and the situation became insignificant in a person’s life, if someone looks enough, the situation can come to light once again and unnecessarily affect a their life negatively.

The “right to be forgotten” does not clash with our first amendment rights, in fact, I believe they go “hand-in-hand.” The reason why is because it should one someone’s liberty to withhold their own personal information, just like it is one’s liberty to say whatever they feel they want to share. For example, if Person A says something incorrect about Person B, Person B has the right to correct Person A and change what they previously thought. That idea is trickier online because one does not exactly know what is being put out there until it directly affects them. The “right to be forgotten” protects that idea.

Digital identity is the information that can be found about you based on your browsing habits and interactions. In other words, it is like a profile of who a person is bases on what that person searches. It also includes the devices that that user accesses. Whenth person’s information is accessed by other sites, it is used to suggest advertisements and redirects for the user. Other organizations are able to figure out who you are and your interests.


I believe people have a “right to be forgotten”, a person should be able to remove any information about them. Any information on the web that they consider too personal to be on there, should be taken down. I would like to think we live in a world that is fair and contains justice, but this is not always true. Every bit of information we put out, is memorized and stored by the internet. I do not believe the “right to be forgotten” clashes with our 1st amendment. I say this because the right to privacy in my opinion, does not conflict with free speech. If anything the “right to be forgotten”, would be an example of expressing free speech in the U.S. Since the 1st amendment involves having the right to have your own voice, how should internet privacy be any different? It should not be different at all, freedom to removal of personal data should be permanent. People should be able to consent to whether or not they want information about them open to the world.

Digital identity is a term used to describe an internet profile, or a collection of your personal data that forms an identity on the web. Tracker sites follow all of your personal data, and together they give a clear picture of who you are. A profile based on either a birth date, relationship status, financial status, or interests. These tracker sites basically control your digital identity. Everyday, everyone on the web is under control by tracker sites. Also I believe the government is behind the scenes, watching our every move on the internet.

Assignment #3B Right to be forgotten

I believe that people do have a “right to be forgotten”.The right to be forgotten “reflects the claim of an individual to have certain data deleted so that third parties can no longer trace them.” People should have the right to have a choice of what information they want to have shared on the internet. If they want any personal information about them to be removed, then they should have the choice to have that information removed. In many cases there is information about someone posted on the Internet without someone’s consent. This information should be allowed to be removed as well. If you don’t want your information to be all over the web you should have the right to request any personal data to be taken off immediately. I also believe that people have the “right to be forgotten”, because this will protect people’s rights to their privacy. The information exposed to the public might be inaccurate, irrelevant, or excessive. They should have the right to request what information they want to be removed.

I don’t believe that the “right to be forgotten’ clashes with our first amendment of ‘Free Speech”. If a person has the right to voice their own opinion aloud, then they should be able to have the right to remove any information about them that they want deleted, especially if it was done without their knowledge or consent.I also do not believe that the “right to be forgotten” clashes with our 1st amendment Free Speech rights, simply because the consumers are utilizing their 1st amendment rights by speaking up and requesting that certain information not be used against them, which, in turn, can/could cause damage to their (financial) reputation. A person has the right to their privacy. Yes people have to the right say, think, feel whatever it is they want to, however the public should not have information about others who want to keep things private.Saying whatever you want to say about someone can hurt others. If someone gets hate, they would want what they posted to be removed and forgotten.

Digital Identity refers to who we are and how we present ourselves on the internet. On the internet our digital identity is how we can identify ourselves apart from others. Each person has their own digital identity.“Digital identity” represents the information that is permanently out on the internet that essentially “describes” who we are as a person through limited information. The information can easily be either true, false, or partially true. Facebook and other social medias have control of our security and privacy when we use their platform to create a profile.

At times, we control what we put onto the internet, especially when it is dealing with social media- but on the same note, there are times that an individual cannot control what’s put on the internet. Once our identity is put out there many people can control our identity without our knowledge. I also believe that the government can play a big role especially when it comes to the collection of our data and daily lives. If we post certain things that violate the rules of a website, then it will be taken down. Certain things we can not control.

Right to be forgotten assignment 3B


I think that people to have the right to keep certain things private. We live in a technological age where everything and anything is online. I recently googled my mother’s entire name and her phone number popped up as well. Phone numbers and addresses are things that people should have the right to keep private. A simple phone number can give others access to so much information about yourself, and unfortunately it is very easy to find online and that is a problem.

I don’t believe that the 1st amendment plays a huge role in terms of the right to be forgotten. Yes, the public should be allowed to express opinions and have their own opinions. However, the public should not have exclusive information about others who wish to keep certain things private.

Digital identity is what a person is on the Internet. What kind of information is out there on us. The word identity is what represents you. When we’re talking about “digital identity” what identifies you on the web. Our digital identities might be based on our social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc…  So it is critical that people understand and are aware of everything that they post on the Internet.

I strongly believe that the government controls everyone’s digital identity. As much as we think that our social media is entirely ours and we can post whatever content we want. That is not true, if the government sees content as a threat they will remove it and take it down. Sometimes it doesn’t even have to be a threat, if it goes against the government things will get taken down.




Assignment 2W


1. Where can we draw the line as to what should be allowed to be taken down from search engines?

2. If there was a small fee remove the links from the search engines, can the removal of the links be used to create more jobs?

3.  How can the removal of personal information on search engines affect businesses or personal life in the future?


1.  What can journalists do to ensure they are able to find information quickly enough to be able to post ground breaking stories quickly?

2. Is it better to remove the story entirely or edit it based on new information?

3. What should news sites or papers do when someone’s personal life is damaged due to hasty false information in an article?

Assignment 2W

Questions for What the “Right to be Forgotten” Means for Privacy in a Digital Age?
  1. Which privacy policy do you believe works best, Europe’s or America’s? Or neither?
  2. Should corporations be involved in the regulation process?
  3. Do you believe that in this digital age there is a way to keep, if not all, most of our information private?
Questions for Learning From Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past
  1. Should executives or journalists have the final say on whether an article should be removed?
  2. According to the article, less than half of newsrooms have a policy for unpublishing articles, why do you think that is?
  3. Are there any news sources or journalists that you trust? That you don’t trust?

Assignment 2W Newman and Seaman Questions

Questions for What “the right to be forgotten” means for privacy in a digital age by  Abraham L. Newman

1.  Is it possible that European digital privacy can also be done in the United States?

2.For a government, such as the U.S., that’s supposed to be ‘by the people, for the people’, why does it seem so difficult for our government to protect ‘the people’? Why does it seem on many occasions to give free reign to the (third party) organizations over its citizens?

3.Why is it so difficult for the United States to follow suit with the more “customer friendly” European laws regarding the “right to be forgotten” privacy movements?

Questions for ” Learning from Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past” by Andrew Seaman

1.How often and in what time span would retractions have to run for?

2. Can we really trust companies to make the decisions on what should be removed when their ethics may not align with ours?

3. Do you think it was right for CEO Denton to request removal of this article just because it didn’t “align with the website’s values” ?


Assignment 2W questions

Newman article questions

1. According to the article, What the “right to be forgotten” means for privacy in a digital age is privacy dead?

2. In contrast to the European system, what is America’s approach to privacy regulation?

3. In what aspect is data protection international?


Seaman article questions

1.According to Gawker Media’s staff, who’s decision was it to remove the first story and why was the story that was published removed?

2. Removing or un publishing stories has what affect on the public?

3. According to FiveThirtyEight.com’s Mona Chalabi on NPR, how many people in total in Europe asked Google to remove information about them from search results?