Tag Archives: United States

Assignment 2W Newman and Seaman Questions

Questions for What “the right to be forgotten” means for privacy in a digital age by  Abraham L. Newman

1.  Is it possible that European digital privacy can also be done in the United States?

2.For a government, such as the U.S., that’s supposed to be ‘by the people, for the people’, why does it seem so difficult for our government to protect ‘the people’? Why does it seem on many occasions to give free reign to the (third party) organizations over its citizens?

3.Why is it so difficult for the United States to follow suit with the more “customer friendly” European laws regarding the “right to be forgotten” privacy movements?

Questions for ” Learning from Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past” by Andrew Seaman

1.How often and in what time span would retractions have to run for?

2. Can we really trust companies to make the decisions on what should be removed when their ethics may not align with ours?

3. Do you think it was right for CEO Denton to request removal of this article just because it didn’t “align with the website’s values” ?