Your grade in this course will be based on:
- Class participation 10%
- Blog posts on course website 10%
- Writing Assignments 15%
- Annotated Bibliography group project 10%
- Online documentation project and presentation 20%
- Research Paper Project 35%
- Research topic proposal 2%
- Annotated bibliography 5%
- Research paper – outline 3%
- Research paper – draft 10%
- Research paper – final 15%
Participation in class discussions and activities: You are expected to complete all readings/viewings and come to class prepared to discuss them. In-class activities will include developing research topics, formulating search strategies, evaluating information, etc. You are expected to check the course site several times a week for updates, announcements, links to readings, and other important information not covered on the syllabus.
Class discussion facilitating: during six class meetings, groups of 2-3 students will lead class discussion on the day’s assigned readings.
Blog: Short blog posts are required throughout the course. See deadlines in the course schedule (below) and details on the course blog
Research topic proposal: In consultation with the professor, choose a research topic relevant to the course and write a 100 word proposal.
Annotated bibliography: Working in small groups, you will find a selection of sources in a variety of media formats on a topic related to the readings. You will cite all sources and write a brief summary of each source (100 words minimum per source) thus creating an annotated bibliography. You will then evaluate each source.
Research paper outline: Organize the main ideas that you will discuss in your research paper and show the relationships among the ideas you write about. A well-organized outline makes the writing process simpler and more straightforward.
Research paper: Write a research paper on your approved topic. Papers must be 5-8 pages in length (not including illustrations or Works Cited), typed, double-spaced. You are required to submit at least one draft of your paper which must be revised before submitting the final version (see deadlines in the course schedule below).
Online documentation project: In small groups assigned by the professor, students will build an online resource and collaboratively document their process.
Class presentation: Each student group will give a 10-15 minute class presentation describing their online resource and presenting the finished online documentation project.
Full details and requirements for each assignment will be discussed in class and posted on the course blog.