Post # 4— The Game of Cubicles_Sekou Noel

Okay so I’m a couple weeks into working here; the security guards know my face (for being here every other day..….I swear.), I’m falling into the routine e.t.c and I’m beginning to notice a bit of an issue, one that I’ve spoke with Professor Chen about. For some weird reason there is a shortage of up-to-date design capable computers in the In house design studio.

Here’s where the problem comes in, let’s say the office has 10 desks. Now we share office space with the administrative side of City Tech so let’s say of those 10 desks, 4 are Macs with design programs. Of those 4 Macs, two are actually up to date, running the latest versions of the Adobe suite. The other two are fit for a MOMA Exhibit on computers from the late 90’s. One of the two only runs Phototshop CS1 while the other has Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign CS4.

There are at least 5 design interns working here, myself included. Warranted were not necessarily all in at the same time, but there are times when there’s just not enough computers to work on; and that’s crazy, especially when you consider that City Tech replaced every single Mac computer in the Namm & Voorhees building despite them still being in good condition. What did they do with them?, you would think they would have sent 2 or 3 over to their in- house design studio.

I find it quite weird that interns always have to bring a laptop or else they can’t work at their own internship. It’s annoying that I literally ended up having to leave after 30 minutes one day because there were no computers available that were up to date enough to be compatible with my files or my wacom tablet.

I’ve talked this over with Professor Chen to see if maybe we could track down some of the previous Macs the school used to have, and install them in the office; but he told me he’s been trying to get those for a while now, but kept running into walls.  City Tech’s In-house design studio, the office City Tech forgot.


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