Huseyin Akis – Blog Entry #1

There is an interesting article I read from The New York Times in the Opinion Pages section.
The article is called How to Get a Job (one of the assigned readings) by Thomas L. Friedman talks about how job recruiters “no longer care about what you know”, they only care about what you can do. The Bachelor’s degree is only required because its a requirement when applying for most careers. The Bachelor’s degree is just a necessity its not the thing that gets you the hired anymore. Recruiters are seeking for highly skilled candidates that is skilled in many areas. I can say as an example recruiters that is hiring someone in the field of Graphic Design is definitely going to hire somebody that is highly skilled in graphic design, web design, and broadcast design rather than someone that is only skilled in graphic design. Even getting hired for an internship position is quite a challenge. The interviewers they analyze everything I mean EVERYTHING! your communication skills, politeness, professionalism, resume and portfolio over again. Some interviewers may even ask if you have other skills rather than just one because of that they might not offer you the internship. Not, only is getting a job a challenge as well as getting an internship. I been through I probably applied to more than 60 places. I only got called me up for a few interviews however, most of them I couldn’t even go for the interview as a wheelchair bound student its hard to find places whose offices are wheelchair accessible.  One place by the name of Big Tent Entertainment scheduled an interview with me by the end they were uninterested with hiring me all because I didn’t have much illustration pieces in my portfolio. Thanks Professor Mason for helping me find an internship at Office of Visual Communications.

One thought on “Huseyin Akis – Blog Entry #1

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Huseyin,

    I enjoyed reading your blog entry. You certainly describe some the challenges students face today in a changing job market. In future posts, try to write shorter sentences, to avoid run-ons.


    Professor Mason


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