Journal 11th Entry – Mohamad

Last week I didn’t do any work due to the technical difficulties that I mentioned before, so I had to go downstairs to the department print shop and help with whatever they needed over there. They had to print couple of different brochures for an incoming event; I’ve been into the print shop before, but they didn’t have that much to be done. So It was me and the lady that runs the shop, she had a little knowledge about basic printer configurations which she taught me, plus how to change ink and paper in big printers. We had to print 3000 of each brochure, looks like it was a big event, so I had to ask the lady what kind of event is it. She said it is a Property Registration seminar and it is held all over the five boroughs. At first I didn’t catch what she said, but when we started printing, I saw that it is the brochure that I was designing last week, and was waiting for the director’s comments on it. Apparently she was happy with the work, and didn’t need any change or fix in it. I felt happy that my work was processed that fast, as opposed to the ABC’s of Housing that I designed in the beginning of my internship, and had to change like a million times. These kinds of moments push me to keep going as a designer, and not to care about any difficulties, because we only learn from those difficulties to make our work and life better and easier.

One thought on “Journal 11th Entry – Mohamad

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Mohamad,

    It’s great to learn that your design work is getting printed and distributed throughout the city. In general, try to write shorter sentences.
    Your first sentence “Last week I didn’t do any work due to the technical difficulties that I mentioned before, so I had to go downstairs to the department print shop and help with whatever they needed over there.”could be shortened as follows:
    “Last week I didn’t do any work due to the technical difficulties that I mentioned before, so I helped out in the department’s print shop.”
    I recommend you take a close look and try to find other sentences that would benefit from tighter editing.

    Professor Mason


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