Journal #9 – Brian Rubio

This week I’m working on a simple flyer that the store will hand out to various gyms around town. This flyer will give anyone looking to buy apparel or gear 15% off the most expensive item. It also will inform the potential customer the location of the store and some photos of best selling items that serves like an attention grabber. I honestly did not like the finished product but after going back and forth with my boss I learned to “just do what the client wants”. If he likes the way it is, even if it goes against my design sense in the end he’s the boss and what he wants goes.  Regardless, I really appreciate that my him is using my skills across the board. Anything thing he can think of that has something to do with design he hands over to me. So far it has been product shots, indoor and outdoor, t-shirt design, business cards, and now flyers. I really feel that by doing this he puts me to the test and brings out skills that I have learned in class and could use some sharpening. These flyers should be done and ready for distribution by next week. Next week we are doing another UFC fighter signing, so there’s a lot of coordinating with photographers and reps going on. Seems like I’ll be doing the in-house photography again, which is fine by me. Always a fun time meeting a professional fighter.

One thought on “Journal #9 – Brian Rubio

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Brian,

    My comments from your last posting apply to this week’s entry as well. Also, watch for run-on sentences. Here’s an example:
    “Anything thing he can think of that has something to do with design he hands over to me, so far it has been product shots indoor and outdoor, t-shirt design, business cards, and now flyers.”
    I’d suggest the following:
    “Anything thing he can think of that has something to do with design he hands over to me. So far it has been indoor and outdoor product shots , t-shirt designs, business cards, and now flyers.”


    Professor Mason


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