Entry #6

Last week was a very busy one. After photographing at the Brooklyn Museum, and the Borough Hall event, I got to take pictures at the Literary Arts Festival at City Tech. The festival took place in the Vorhees building and it featured students and faculty with various set of skills. There were poetry being read, alongside essays, and there was even a dance presentation by two students. The latter, in special, required a lot of concentration of my part. Since I wasn’t using a tripod, it was a challenge to get shots that weren’t blurry, because of the fact that the dancers where constantly moving (as they should). Luckily, I was able to achieve good results.

Prof Jordan asked me to arrive early so that I could take pictures of the backstage, and I did. It was great to see the last minute rehearsal taking place, and important for me to have an idea of which angles worked best.

The amphitheater where the festival was being held was, as expected, very dark and that was a challenge with which I had to deal. I had to be careful to make sure enough light was hitting the camera, but in a way that the parts of the stage that were well lit didn’t come out overexposed. Of course, post-production is fundamental, and Adobe Lightroom came in handy when it was time to fix those little details.

The event lasted around a total of two hours and I was pretty tired afterwards. During the entire time, I was going up and down the stairs on the side of the amphitheater to get diverse and exciting shots. I got a total of 350 shots, so I had a lot of curating to do.

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