Humberto MV (Journal entry 5)

This week’s interview also went well. It was for a newly started company called Freedom for all mankind or F.O.A.M for short. They are just starting and their website is launching soon. They need help with motion graphics and storyboarding. It seems like a perfect fit, but it doesn’t look like they are ready to immediately launch. I would be working on their pre launch ideas like a video where they show they are and what they do and their message. Their brand and message is to create a community for artist and creators to get and network with each other and not only with just artist but local business in communities to get design work done for them. They also promote a healthy lifestyle and eco-friendly ideology. It seems like a message I can relate to and find creative ways to promote the company to create the community, but I feel they are still sort of a long way that I wont gain much from this.

One thought on “Humberto MV (Journal entry 5)

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Humberto,
    Your first five sentences are clear and direct. However, your last several sentences are much too long. Review “Rules of Thumb” for suggestions on how to avoid run-on sentences. Your post is also rather short. Please write between 250-300 words each week.

    Professor Mason


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