Entry #5

In addition to having the chance to go to the Brooklyn Museum, I also went to Borough Hall to photograph at an event. I had never been there and wow, the court room is absolutely magnificent. I was really impressed with the architecture.

The event was “Places: Art Along the Brooklyn Waterfront Conference” hosted by the Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center. It featured many artists who, in some way, work along the Brooklyn waterfront. Some important people spoke there, such as Thomas Finkelpearl, Commissioner, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

I was a little nervous because there were certain specific photos that needed to be taken, such as the Commissioner with other key people at the event. Luckly, I was able to gather them and take the shot.

The event consisted of four different panels with 4/5 people. I had in mind that I had to take pictures of each group as a whole, and also of each person speaking. I had to keep walking around the court room in order to find the best angle of each participant, and try to make the shots look interesting. Hopefully I was able to do so!

One thing that I had to work on was my fear of being too intrusive as I went up front to take close-up shots. This was the first time I had to be so close to my object of focus, but it ended up being okay. After all, those people being photographed were already the center of attention, so they didn’t feel embarrassed or anything.

Not only was it nice to have that different setting to take pictures in, but the conference was very informative. I learned about so many exciting art-related companies that reside near City Tech and events that they host. I’ll definitely be checking them out, especially with the nice weather finally approaching us.

The event went on for a total of 4 hours and I got something close to 300 shots in total. Now my job is to curate which photos are best and edit what needs to be improved. They will be up on the Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center website.

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