Journal Entry 5- Latimel Rodriguez

This week coming in for internship was an interesting one. I knew all the work for the invitation was done the weekend prior. I walked in and at this point the receptionists already know me so they greet me with a warm , “good morning.” They’re getting a lot more comfortable around me. I have to admit, it’s a nice feeling. I walk straight to the desk Al assigned to me and quickly take out my laptop and start working. Even though I previously said a lot of the work was done over the weekend , Al can always spot something that can be improved, for design purposes and overall functionality. In this case i’d miss a very crucial otherwise unnoticeable mistake, one of the title lines were the type, “trade gothic- regular” and had to be, “trade gothic- bold”, but thats what preflights are for.

After the typographical errors were corrected, very minimal i might add, Al requested the files for the invitation , but not before I added one more photoshopped element to the inside of the invitation. Just to explain a little more what it was I did on the inside of the invitation, Al and I had discussed a plant growing from the bottom of the page with multiple extensions with leaves at the end of stems to add the company names to the leaves. We were having a tough time with the idea of it being illustrated or photoshopped. I took initiative told Al to give me about 30 minutes and I’ll come back and show him what I’ve got. Long story short I went with the photoshopped version, I have to admit i was shocked at how well it printed. Al loved it because it’s the version we’re using.

By now its about 12:30pm and Al walks up to me and says,” we’re heading out.”. At 1 pm I pack up my things and put it in his office. we head out with a ton of photography equipment. Now that I think about it, its pretty amazing two people carried all that, regardless Al is very organized. The photo shoot was taking place right in school in the dental office. I can’t give you specifics because the truth is I don’t ask questions, I just do , if that makes sense. I didn’t really know what it was for, or maybe I forgot. Regardless Al hands me a lighting equipment to put together. The purpose for it was to obviously light the room but we were taking portrait shots, so it made sense as to why it was there. he handed me lighting equipment which i actually do remember the name for , it was a “snout”. If i had to compare it to something it looked like your a sniper but with a light. My job with the “snout” was to aim the light trajectory right at the models face. All together there were 5 models, all women, all very nervous. But unbiased they all looked very beautiful. We left the shoot with a predetermined appointment for the following Thursday.

Leaving the office for the day Al leaves me a few final words for the following week. He says I’ll be working with another intern animating the plant I photoshopped. Im excited for the weeks to come honestly. Every week is something new!

One thought on “Journal Entry 5- Latimel Rodriguez

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Luigi,
    I enjoyed reading your entry because of all the information you’ve provided. I should point out that since you’re describing events that have already taken place, you should write in the past tense. This is important.
    For example the following sentence “I walked in and at this point the receptionists already know me so they greet me with a warm , “good morning.” could be edited to read:
    I walked in and since the receptionists already knew me, I was greeted with a warm “good morning.”
    I can assure you, that it’s often a lot easier to edit someone else’s writing than to write and edit your own material. But, just keep working at it.


    Professor Mason


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