Notes from today, and assignment for Wednesday, December 5

Today we discussed process documentation and critiqued some videos in class. The NEW due date for the final version of the research paper is now Friday, December 7 by 5 p.m. I prefer receiving your papers as email attachments, but if you would like to hand in a paper version, stop by my office (A439b) between 12-2 or 4-5 on Friday. As always, contact me with any questions about the assignment.

For Wednesday, please review the guidelines for the online documentation project  and be ready to decide on a project. I will distribute guidelines in print during Wednesday’s class.

Because of an OpenLab snafu, my blog post summarizing today’s blogging assignment did not go up on time. Post your blog post by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December 5 for credit. Here is the blogging assignment: locate one example of process documentation in any format, read it, and write one blog post in which you describe, summarize and critique it. Does it document thoroughly and completely the process that it claims to document? If you choose a video, please embed the video into your blog post so that we can all view it easily. You may find it helpful to review the Edge and Robinson articles to guide your selection of a good quality example of process documentation.

Slides from today are available here.

~Prof. Leonard



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