Nahid Ali Media Share5

I’m choosing Serpell’s text for this week’s media shares. I want to share this article that is related to the text. This article shows most Americans until recently thought the cruel and unusual punishment those officers administered was a thing of the past. That the nation’s police forces had become more restrained in the excessive use of force. At its worst, unlawful use of force by police can result in people being deprived of their right to life. If police force is unnecessary or excessive, it may also amount to torture or other ill treatment. Unlawful force by police can also violate the right to be free from discrimination, the right to liberty and security, and the right to equal protection under the law. Just like in Serpell’s text, the police actions towards the girl are totally unnecessary. He try to defuse a situation without actually know what’s going on, just because of her skin color

Alexandria Dorato / Media Share #5

For this weeks media share, I shared this video with you to relate it to Sepell’s text. The text and the video are similar since they both represent police brutality. The officers that arrested Eric Garner were so violent that the victim later died. Eric Garner clearly wasn’t able to breathe but the officers didn’t seem to care and proceeded with attacking him. Violence is never the answer and the situation could have definitely been handled differently. This video also relates to Serpell’s text since both the video and text have “what was said”. In Serpell’s text, the “what was said” was the recording of the incident and what you are able to hear in the video. For example, when the officer was attacking the girl, you are able to hear “what are you doing? You’re hurting her”. It is the same thing for the video I shared except you don’t hear any witnesses, you just hear the pain in Eric Garner’s voice when he says “I can’t breathe”.

Kamille’s media share 5

For todays media share  the story “Triptych:Texas Pool Party” made me think of a picture I saw on social media. It relates to the story because the text is based on the different perspective of how a story of racism and police brutality happened. In the image I feel the artist is trying to say that many police officers try to use their authority is the wrong way and feel they would get away with it because they are in law enforcement. Many police officers feel as if they are superior to others just because they are in law enforcement. In the text the officer involved used he authority and violence to try to defuse a situation without actually know what’s going on, just because the girl was black. In the image I also feel as if the artist was trying to say that most of these situation involve young black male and women.

Maram Awadh Media Share 5

For this week’s media share I chose this art piece that relates to Serpells “Triptych:Texas Pool Party” text. The reason I chose this is because the incident in the text involved police brutality. A African American teenage girl was violently restrained by one of the police officers called to the area. The cop also pulled out his gun to the teenagers who were at the party as well. This is one of the many incidents where police have been rough and used excessive force especially to African Americans in the United States. This picture relates to the text because we can see the police officer reach for his gun but there isn’t a reason for him to do that. We see innocent kids that are just staring at the officer causing no harm. There ain’t no threat for the officer to reach for his gun or taser. I chose this picture for this text because they both highlight police brutality against African Amerians in the United States.