Project #2 GET OUT THE VOTE by Giulia Bentoglio

Lets face it, this year 2016 election sucks so bad. However, as much as anyone hates it, its up to us citizens to vote on who do we think that should have the honor to be next president of the United States. On this second project, I had the total freedom to express my voice about this upcoming election, on which I personally believe that no matter whom you vote for we will sadly end up screwed up. On the Democrat side we have Hillary Clinton, Represented as a blue devil, While Donald Trump is represented In red. I wanted to get my word out for people to vote, but to chose wisely on which candidate they select, although they are sadly the same. While doing this project, I was heavenly inspired by Shepard Fairey, whom is the artist behind the famous “Obey” and Obama’s “Hope” poster. I am not an experienced illustrator using technology, however I love to edit  pictures through adobe Illustrator using Image trace and other help such as Photoshop. I completely enjoyed doing this project, and I hope everyone can relate through what I am trying to express with this poster.

Project 2 process book

Giulia Bentoglio Vote Final

Jingyi- Project 2

My headline is “your vote your voice”. General process took me about 3 hours to finish. I did the sketch in illustrator, and edit the text in indesign. Our group chose to use “futura” as the typeface, so the font I used is futura condensed. The most challenging part for me is to use pen tool of illustrator. I couldn’t control curve lines well, so I was spend much of time on that. Fortunately  the final art work does came out as I expect, and I like the combination of the blue background and white text.

Assignment 2

So for this project we had to make a Vote Poster. To have more people vote for the election. So what i wanted to do, for my poster I decided to go with kinda of an Attack On Titan style, but also using the 2016 election in it.  The reason i chose this because of what he said, that he wanted to make a huge wall around Mexico, and have Mexica pay for it. SO thats where my idea came up from to do this. Since i thought it would be a funny idea to do. So just like in the posters for Attack on Titan, i decided to make Donald Trump the titan behind the wall. With also the wall being the mexican border. SO i did that by making the word Vote the mexican flag colors. SO to keep the same attack on titan feel, i decided to still have the wall, smoke and even the cracks in the wall with it. To make it still seem kinda the same, but with a different feel. I also decided to make his hands really tiny, since people always say he has tiny hands.


Get Out the Vote Poster

For my piece, I wanted to incorporate the same concepts from this  poster into mine.

Get Out the Vote: Bomb

I used both red and blue, allowing room for contrast and also to symbolize democrats and republicans in some way. I used hand drawn type, the New Century typeface specifically, and made a fusion of the earth being a bomb. The reason why i chose a bomb was because with all of the global and international crisis going on today, it was very hard to choose just one.

Hyejin Song_Project2

For this project I had to encourage and inform people, especially college students to vote for Election Day. At first, I focused on the out -of -pocket costs related to the Health Care issue ;so that, I read several articles of it. But, I decided to change my target audience: most of college students who have the first and last chance to experience the election. Then I got three concepts for them: steps, a stair and life plan, then I chose to go with floating stages which evoke images of steps. Between the college and the graduation stage, there would be the participation of the election which is their first experience. For the design, to make the student figure as the first focal point, I put intense pinkish red on it, and put tinted blue on the ballot paper to make it as the second focal point.

Article Link :

Process Book(PDF) : hyejin_project2-process-book

Final Work : hyejin-song_get-out-the-vote

My ePortfolio Link: