Category Archives: Uncategorized

Journal 9

Week 9, I ended up closing another shop I’m not too fond about which is Bakery. Bakery consists of a lot of cleaning, throwing away the cupcakes and wrapping up the pastries in bags for second harvest. Second harvest is … Continue reading

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Journal 8

Here’s to Week 8, I ended up closing Market again and finished earlier this time. I only finished early due to the fact that they already had two cast members restock everything before they left and when it was my … Continue reading

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Journal 7

Week 6 was one long fun and interesting week, now here’s to week 7. One of my assignments this week was Market which is at the bottom of the assignments I dislike other than beverage island that’s the worse one, … Continue reading

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Read and React 5

Gabriela Mota Theory One of the topics that we discussed in my organizational leadership class was about the different forms of leadership that form according to the different forms of development of a worker. The situational leadership study discusses the … Continue reading

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Journal #7

This week has honestly been a great challenge for me. So many things have happened in the last week. One of our leaders named Cara has officially moved to Disney’s Hawaii location. I did not get to know her for … Continue reading

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Weekly Journal #12

It’s getting colder outside and my warm bed feels a lot better than sweltering underneath food lamps… the irony. We’re still getting new transfers/trainees and this month is still really busy. Some thing is usually always changing at work, for … Continue reading

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Journal #5

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Here’s to Week 5, one hectic week but a success with closing a few shops. I have my classes on Wednesdays; Advanced Studies in Hospitality Management and Thursdays; Human Resources and both are at 1:30 pm. For both classes, my … Continue reading

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Journal #6

Week 6 This week was filled with many eventful activities. It was Brittany’s birthday so we got to go out for breakfast and celebrate, I got to ride Everest for the first time ever with one of my roommates which … Continue reading

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Journal #4

  I wish I could say I finally got my ears; unfortunately, I’m still in my last couple of days of training. Now that I’ve finally worked on all of the stations, I can comfortably reflect on the ones that … Continue reading

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Weekly Journal #6

What a week! One of my roommates ended up self-terming from the program. I still haven’t finished my cashier training (not complaining). I finally went to a water park and felt brave in a swimsuit…   The biggest challenge at … Continue reading

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