First Week At Disney!!

Moving to another city, I thought would be hard and sad but I am so happy I did this! First week at Disney I did learn a lot about myself and more about other.. I met mt 7 great roomies as well as the schoolmates that I now call friends. I got even closer to my roommate as well as the other girls I have met on the facebook Disney page. First week away from home is fine, for now, but I do miss my friends and family as well as my puppy. I went to traditions Saturday morning and that is when it became all real for me: I WORK FOR DISNEY! This is a dream of mine and it is finally fulfilled. This is a great opportunity since I am in Hospitality Managment. I am starting training this Tuesday and I can not wait till I start working! I will work for the POP Century Resort Quick Food and I am so excited. So much has happened this week and I can not wait till I learn more abut myself as well as the people around me! I can not wait to share more of my moments with you!

And I got to meet my boss: Mickey Mouse!

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3 Responses to First Week At Disney!!

  1. Welcome to Orlando!!! I wish you all the best in your new journey. I hope you have a lot of fun.

  2. I can definitely relate to you in regards to missing our loved ones back home. However, the connections we make with our roommates, the experience we get to have in Disney makes it all worthwhile and most of the time it helps us forget.

  3. Yes, you so work for Disney, you are officially a Cast Member. I look forward to learning about your training.

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