My Disney Arrival/ WRJ #1

Little Brother George goes everywhere with me, even DISNEY!

I left New York City on February 2nd and made it to Orlando, FL on the 3rd. It took me one full day because I decided to make it a road trip so that I can have my car throughout the Disney College Program. On my way to Florida, there was a lot going through my head because I did not know what to expect from the big move, even though I thought I was ready. I did not move into my Disney apartment in Patterson Court until yesterday, February 6th. That is when reality got to me because my cousin who came down with me left and now I was all alone. It’s only been a day with my roommates but so far I like them and I am learning to adapt to the new environment of living with others. Also, I got to settle in and organize everything in my room. I expect to get real close to my roommate’s by the end of the program and make it a lifelong networking experience.

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1 Response to My Disney Arrival/ WRJ #1

  1. This is an exciting time and no matter how “ready” anyone feels there is nothing that can really prepare anyone for the big change. The goal of developing a long term relationship with your roommates is a wise one, in order to do so make sure to figure out how to handle conflict when it arises.

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