Ethics in Design (Entry 1 & 2)


1) The first journal entry will discuss their experience at the internship related to the ethical guidelines
discussed in the AIGA guide.
a) They are to discuss how the design work they are doing handles sourcing of images and the
company’s trademarks & logos.

Internships give us a great foundation when it comes to our careers. It set the building blocks and forms the path that we need to take. Teaching us the ways in the workforce; the do’s and don’ts, educating us in how to handle ourselves, and also creating our platform to brand ourselves. Currently, where I am doing my internship they gave us full control and playing area with our designs. Not really setting limits or boundaries for us. Due to the fact that most of the designs that they have used from the previous posts were always free stocked images from free sources. Such as Unsplash and Pixabay. One of the staff members has a paid membership with Canva that also gives access to other stock images, templates, and layouts to use. We were asked if we wanted access to Canva; however, we all turned it down. We all feel more comfortable creating our own content, template, and style.

The AIGA Guide thought us that when using external sources or even free images always cite/credit them and give credit. If we are to ever use something from another artist, do ask for permission. Never go taking full credit for something you know isn’t yours. Even if it’s something small that you added to the design. That is something that always slips our minds from time to time. As designers, we need to stay on top of things so that we don’t run into problems and issues.

In addition when we are assigned a specific project our supervisors brief us on our task giving us expectations, or ideas that it should depict. As the AIGA Guide thought us “A design brief is a written explanation given by the

client to the designer at the outset of a project.” We are given a very brief synopsis of our project. It isn’t something very detailed since we are given the floor to explore. However having a detailed design brief is setting the scope, thus formulating a concrete concept that can be revisited, and even revised for future projects. It also allows an open floor for asking questions. Many times we have questions about our projects and don’t ask until the next meeting or the following day.   

b) It will also discuss if they had to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement for their
internship site and how they have handled that with regard to their internship journal for this class.

I wasn’t asked to sign a confidentiality agreement or non-disclosure agreement for my internship. They offered to sign any necessary papers or requirements for a smooth and steady internship. I know from experience and what I have learned from class. To keep all company names, brands, important clients confidential. Thus, leaving them at the workplace and out of my journal blogs. Keeping it one hundred percent anonymous. As for projects that I have worked on I can speak about them freely without giving too much away.


2) In the second journal entry assignment students will write about whether or not the readings they’ve been assigned have changed their perspective on their own design work.
a) Students are to reflect on whether, in the past, they have used another’s creative work and how have they given that artist credit?

When creating different graphic posts and blog posts my first couple of pieces were all hand-drawn illustrations that I did. They were a couple of recent posts that required photography to depict certain topics in our given assignment. Due, to having to have the design available in the next couple of hours or the next day. Nevertheless, we have a folder that has free images from free sources and we also visit the same free source to get more images. I mostly state where I obtain my images and sometimes I would forget to state where. However, it is already understood that we all get free stock images from Unsplash its like the go-too for my organization that I work with. Then reading the AIGA Guide Use of Photography alas designers always have to pay attention to the fine print on things. Especially, when using stock photos. As the guide states “In using stock images the designer has to be careful not to exceed the license from the stock agency”. Meaning one should not overstep on the rights and agreement these stock sources provide. In other words, using free images for production use and making a profit is a no. Nevertheless, as a young designer reflecting back on my work. I should be more attentive and will always be on top of things when it comes to crediting photographers so that I don’t run into issues. This also steers me in the path that I prefer to go out and take my own personal photos too. These same views are applied when it comes to Illustration. However, I hand-draw all my pieces so I haven’t really faced this problem. Hope_Poster_Case_Study-1.pdf AIGA Busines_Ethics 47556721-Client-s-guide-to-design-1-1-MB.pdf AIGA Busines_Ethics 47556733-Use-of-illustrations-1-MB.pdf AIGA Business_Ethics 47556770-Use-of-photography-1-MB.pdf b. Students are to give their opinion of the arguments and outcome of the Fairey Copyright case.

I must say that the Fairey Copyright case is a tricky one. My views and take on this situation are 50/50. In the sense that whenever we use anything as an inspiration, foundation, or even reference. We must give credit as what the AIGA Guide has thought to us. That one must source and state where we found It. Even go as far as asking for permission for using such a piece and altering a given image. However, from what I understand Fairey was inspired by the Garcia pose for his poster campaign. As shown at the end of the article he did minor changes to Obama’s picture. Nevertheless, I do agree with AP cracking down on him for copyright but to a certain extent in the sense that. When money comes to play it shifts everything thus causing us to nitpick at every aspect of the situation. He should have given credit where is due since he did use that as the foundation of his campaign ad. Making a profit off it contributes to the whole issue increasing how great of a deal this was. Fairey should have also never tried to cover his tracks because it adds to the situation and makes him look more suspicious. It also confirms for many proving his guilt when he tried to cover up his actions. AIGA Guise thought us to never take full credit for something that we did make ourselves or for something that is not ours. When Fairey didn’t come clean he prolong things which tainted his reputation and added to his fine. Nevertheless, my view on this could be wrong but this is definitely a topic for discussion., It also thought me the complications I can face when I don’t do things the right way and I certainly don’t want to get into a situation like this. Hope_Poster_Case_Study-1.pdf

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