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My Roles as an Intern

Designed and Illustrated by myself

<img src=”InstagramFeedPost.png” alt=”Multiple hands placing coins and money into the Giving Forward heart logo used as a piggy bank”>

Time to put all the knowledge that I had obtained throughout my time at NYC College of Technology, to gain real-world experience and excel as a designer. Thus, combining my old and new skills and expanding on them.

As an intern, I was tasked with creating creative posts for various social media platforms. Such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Engaging with Giving Forward’s online presence; creating graphics to promote traffic and awareness of the website. Designing special national day posts. For example, World Water Day, Women’s Day, and Earth Day As well as, formulating and brainstorming new outreach ideas and plans.

When I officially started doing work for my internship all the nerve-wracking thoughts resurfaced. I didn’t know if they would like my work or what to expect. Nevertheless, my first task was to create a blog post. The blog post was to advertise donating to a cause. As well as, entering in a chance to win $4000.00 for yourself and $1000.00 for your desired non-profit or charity.  The deadline was the next day. I wasn’t anxious or nervous because I was used to working in crunch time and under pressure.

Drawing up sketches and possible ideas. Finalizing the thought of turning a piece of the logo into a piggy bank to indicate where you investing. Multiple hands to show that we are all pitching in and giving back to our community. Using a series of blues from the logo and tying it all together makes it be on-brand with the color consistency.

Presenting my graphic final look to my supervisor. We went back and forth in dealing with the body copy and text. The primary focus is on donating and what you can win. Playing around with type and the font weight adding the key details, I was finished late that night going into the morning. I made sure to make different sizes to cater to all their social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). Both my supervisor and the young lady in charge of maintaining the social media were proud of what I created.

A sense of relief was lifted off my shoulders. After that, all my assignments tasked to me were around creating posts on how to spend your winnings and for different world days. For example World Water Day, World Women’s Day, Earth Day, etc.

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Photographed by lilartsy on Unsplash

Looking back this internship has opened my eyes to many things. It revealed to me the challenges one can face, the importance of communication and even bonding with your fellow employees. Improving your skills, gaining feedback, and even testing how well your design is in a small group. I got to explore a lot since I didn’t really have any limitations or set way and format all designs must be. Which might I add was a bonus. The amount of freedom we have I enjoyed, however, from time to time I do sometimes miss the structure. Since I often was questioned “would they like it”, “is it good enough”? But with the help of group collaboration, it lessen the pool of questions and doubts that I ever had. Causing me to just trust myself and the process. It’s all a learning experience to better ourselves.

The different projects that we were all given I often enjoyed. Another bonus for me is improving my illustration and drawing skills. Also revealing, that I do have potential in the Illustration department in graphic design. Showing that side of me and what I had to offer was a great accomplishment and feeling. The thought that something I drew is associated with this non-profit organization and is on their social media platforms. It’s just an awestruck moment. One I most definitely cherish.

Testing my creativity and ideas was another big thing that I learn. Sometimes as designers we have designers’ block. I can tell you right now many sketches I did for some of these projects. I ended up throwing it out. I had to think deeper and well outside the box. We can have an endless amount of ideas but what we like and what goes is often put to the test.

Nevertheless, I am glad that the internship is a part of the curriculum. It conveys the importance of how to apply what we were thought in class and how to apply it to the real world. As well as, reflecting and gaining insight on what we do.

Things I’ve Learned in Class

Photographed by David Travis on Unsplash

Prof. Nicolaou has thought us so much in each weekly discussion and even in real-world cases that she would read to us from time to time. I must say it was all a great help and was very much needed. In the cases that she read from the New York Times, the key points stood out to me.

Professional Environment

One must always maintain a professional environment. You are here to work and work only. Not to work and mingle always keep it professional. Don’t intertwine personal life with work-life issues. Or even integrating yourself into another person’s issue.  Even at work functions and dinners still, try and keep a business and work mindset. Don’t be drinking try to steer clear from those types of things. Under the influence can cause you to release important information that can put you in problems.

Work Rights

Always know your work rights in case your information is breached or even violated. Even when that happens be careful in how you handle the situation as well as use it to your advantage. It will come in handy in the longer run.

 Know your worth, and how much you deserve especially when it comes to being paid. When we work we are putting time, effort, and quality into things. As each job has an estimated value range always know how much is for you or what you should receive. One should even set realistically a desired amount and work towards that.  If you need to bargain for better pay or perks. Do so in a respectful and timely manner. Don’t go too overboard or be too greedy. Try to come to a middle ground or halfway with your employer. You might not get the full amount but you can reach halfway. Don’t settle for less than what you are required. Negotiate if you want an increase or to even make adjustments. So that both you and your employer can reach a halfway mark.

Non-disclosure agreements

It is thought us that contracts and agreements are needed and are present in our daily lives. When we are in the workforce, it acts as a guide or base for when we take on projects. They can even act as a protection use when we hit problems. The article from Nolo reveals how Non-Disclosure Agreement is useful and used in the internet and computer companies. It can be used to present confidential information when meeting with other companies. NDA acts as a protection card in case the agreement secrets have been breech.  Since this can give leverage over the companies. 

While NDA has its pros and cons it comes in handy when the employer wants total control over the employee. They sent the rules, regulations, and boundaries for each employee. It’s vital if an employee will be learning top secret information that can put the company in danger. Nevertheless, in that light, I see the importance and need for them.  I believe that employment contracts are needed and helpful in many ways. Since it is an agreement between the company and the worker. It sets the roles and responsibilities and all the full details for the worker. It contains all necessary information and must be read thoroughly. So you know what you’re getting into.  Due to the fact that it is your receipt and lifeline in case anything is to happen, you can always refer back to it.


Copyright is an intellectual property that protects original works of authorship. It allows us to have our work protected at all costs and not get stolen, replicated, or edited without permission. In this field, we often come across individuals who fall into the trap of copyright infringement or works being stolen.

 Copyright, trademark, and patent help me as a designer in many different aspects. It allows me to know the do’s, and don’ts. As well as, what each category contains and covers. As young designers we often encounter many people stealing or altering our work and passing it as their own. With proper authorship, I can protect my brand in different ways to avoid issues and stolen identity, and brand image.

Honestly, I can sit here and write out all that I have learned and have stood out to me and it would be so much to read. All in all, each aspect of this internship both in-class and hands-on has molded me into a better designer. I feel more contented, understanding, and more aware of the work field. Thank You for everything and for taking the time to read what I’ve been through and what I have to say. Take care see you soon!!

Coming to an End

Photographed by  Christina @ on Unsplash

In the final weeks, it was time to wrap it up. Finishing up my 120 hours, packaging, and creating individual pdf. files, and jpegs to present and hand up. Basically, everything that I have created in the fifteen weeks of this internship experience. I got to show my supervisor everything and he was pretty impressed with all the work I have done.

He asked me to alter a few projects with different ideas for him to use for another project. I got to even stay on for a few just to help around and gain more work experience and even better my portfolio. I must say the journey was a long and eventful encounter but it was worth it. I can safely say that I have learned a lot and expanded on my skills as a designer and critical thinker.  

Keep on Pushing

Photographed by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

As the days went by and classes became more demanding just like work. I often felt like I couldn’t catch a break. From working on back-to-back prize posts and revising them, to World Earth Day posts, drawing, and creating ideas. Sometimes, I felt I was running out of ideas or felt overwhelmed. However, I didn’t let it get the best of me. As a result, I kept pushing and going forward. Coming back ten times stronger than before with fresh and improved designs.

A couple of times I would go back and forth with my supervisor and fellow interns to create new ideas and concepts. Getting a better understanding of what they thought. Thus, bringing a fresh take on our projects. Thinking outside of the box was one of my strong points that I got to improve more. Since we are all great, designers we can often think of the same concept. Heavy research and knowing what was already done were key. Till I understood why in class it was heavily stressed that we always research. It came in handy, to be honest, so it really has its perks.

Working in Harmony

Photographed by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Learning to work in a group and being a part of one can often be challenging. When I had group projects in school I often found them to be a drag since there were always so many stumbling blocks. Either one person wasn’t doing their part or having to do it all alone. However, in this experience, I got a different outcome. We sometimes did independent projects on our own but on a few instances, we had bigger design projects that required us to split the workup. Working with the other interns I got feedback and ways to better my designs in order for all our work to be consistent and work as one. It was a breath of fresh air and a new turn on things. Made me realize that group work and projects are very beneficial and vital in the workplace. Opening our eyes for us to see how well our design work and where and what to improve on. It was also a way to also explore other design techniques and styles. I got to even know the other interns more and created a bond that we could all depend on one another to lend a helping hand.  

Juggling Work and School

Photograph by Cathryn Lavery on UNsplash

Since this semester I am currently doing an internship along with other classes maintaining a balance between the two can sometimes be challenging. Many times I would find myself lacking rest and not eating as much. Or even being up more at night in order to get everything done. I found myself to be more in work mode trying to be on top of things so I don’t slack. One of my closest friends helped me out in making a schedule and timeline to follow just so I can balance myself.  Even though you might think since we are at home it would be easier to juggle the two. However, for me, I sometimes found it a hassle and slightly miss the face-to-face work and school environment. I believe I was more grounded and knew how to balance the two more. Nevertheless, I still managed to work everything out. This experience aided in the betterment of being versatile and flexible. Which allowed me to improve my organization skills and time management.   

Ethics in Design (Entry 1 & 2)


1) The first journal entry will discuss their experience at the internship related to the ethical guidelines
discussed in the AIGA guide.
a) They are to discuss how the design work they are doing handles sourcing of images and the
company’s trademarks & logos.

Internships give us a great foundation when it comes to our careers. It set the building blocks and forms the path that we need to take. Teaching us the ways in the workforce; the do’s and don’ts, educating us in how to handle ourselves, and also creating our platform to brand ourselves. Currently, where I am doing my internship they gave us full control and playing area with our designs. Not really setting limits or boundaries for us. Due to the fact that most of the designs that they have used from the previous posts were always free stocked images from free sources. Such as Unsplash and Pixabay. One of the staff members has a paid membership with Canva that also gives access to other stock images, templates, and layouts to use. We were asked if we wanted access to Canva; however, we all turned it down. We all feel more comfortable creating our own content, template, and style.

The AIGA Guide thought us that when using external sources or even free images always cite/credit them and give credit. If we are to ever use something from another artist, do ask for permission. Never go taking full credit for something you know isn’t yours. Even if it’s something small that you added to the design. That is something that always slips our minds from time to time. As designers, we need to stay on top of things so that we don’t run into problems and issues.

In addition when we are assigned a specific project our supervisors brief us on our task giving us expectations, or ideas that it should depict. As the AIGA Guide thought us “A design brief is a written explanation given by the

client to the designer at the outset of a project.” We are given a very brief synopsis of our project. It isn’t something very detailed since we are given the floor to explore. However having a detailed design brief is setting the scope, thus formulating a concrete concept that can be revisited, and even revised for future projects. It also allows an open floor for asking questions. Many times we have questions about our projects and don’t ask until the next meeting or the following day.   

b) It will also discuss if they had to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement for their
internship site and how they have handled that with regard to their internship journal for this class.

I wasn’t asked to sign a confidentiality agreement or non-disclosure agreement for my internship. They offered to sign any necessary papers or requirements for a smooth and steady internship. I know from experience and what I have learned from class. To keep all company names, brands, important clients confidential. Thus, leaving them at the workplace and out of my journal blogs. Keeping it one hundred percent anonymous. As for projects that I have worked on I can speak about them freely without giving too much away.


2) In the second journal entry assignment students will write about whether or not the readings they’ve been assigned have changed their perspective on their own design work.
a) Students are to reflect on whether, in the past, they have used another’s creative work and how have they given that artist credit?

When creating different graphic posts and blog posts my first couple of pieces were all hand-drawn illustrations that I did. They were a couple of recent posts that required photography to depict certain topics in our given assignment. Due, to having to have the design available in the next couple of hours or the next day. Nevertheless, we have a folder that has free images from free sources and we also visit the same free source to get more images. I mostly state where I obtain my images and sometimes I would forget to state where. However, it is already understood that we all get free stock images from Unsplash its like the go-too for my organization that I work with. Then reading the AIGA Guide Use of Photography alas designers always have to pay attention to the fine print on things. Especially, when using stock photos. As the guide states “In using stock images the designer has to be careful not to exceed the license from the stock agency”. Meaning one should not overstep on the rights and agreement these stock sources provide. In other words, using free images for production use and making a profit is a no. Nevertheless, as a young designer reflecting back on my work. I should be more attentive and will always be on top of things when it comes to crediting photographers so that I don’t run into issues. This also steers me in the path that I prefer to go out and take my own personal photos too. These same views are applied when it comes to Illustration. However, I hand-draw all my pieces so I haven’t really faced this problem. Hope_Poster_Case_Study-1.pdf AIGA Busines_Ethics 47556721-Client-s-guide-to-design-1-1-MB.pdf AIGA Busines_Ethics 47556733-Use-of-illustrations-1-MB.pdf AIGA Business_Ethics 47556770-Use-of-photography-1-MB.pdf b. Students are to give their opinion of the arguments and outcome of the Fairey Copyright case.

I must say that the Fairey Copyright case is a tricky one. My views and take on this situation are 50/50. In the sense that whenever we use anything as an inspiration, foundation, or even reference. We must give credit as what the AIGA Guide has thought to us. That one must source and state where we found It. Even go as far as asking for permission for using such a piece and altering a given image. However, from what I understand Fairey was inspired by the Garcia pose for his poster campaign. As shown at the end of the article he did minor changes to Obama’s picture. Nevertheless, I do agree with AP cracking down on him for copyright but to a certain extent in the sense that. When money comes to play it shifts everything thus causing us to nitpick at every aspect of the situation. He should have given credit where is due since he did use that as the foundation of his campaign ad. Making a profit off it contributes to the whole issue increasing how great of a deal this was. Fairey should have also never tried to cover his tracks because it adds to the situation and makes him look more suspicious. It also confirms for many proving his guilt when he tried to cover up his actions. AIGA Guise thought us to never take full credit for something that we did make ourselves or for something that is not ours. When Fairey didn’t come clean he prolong things which tainted his reputation and added to his fine. Nevertheless, my view on this could be wrong but this is definitely a topic for discussion., It also thought me the complications I can face when I don’t do things the right way and I certainly don’t want to get into a situation like this. Hope_Poster_Case_Study-1.pdf

Source Links

My Roles as an Intern

Designed and Illustrated by myself

Time to put all the knowledge that I had obtained throughout my time at NYC College of Technology, to gain real-world experience and excel as a designer. Thus, combining my old and new skills and expanding on them.

As an intern, I was tasked with creating creative posts for various social media platforms. Such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Engaging with Giving Forward’s online presence; creating graphics to promote traffic and awareness of the website. Designing special national day posts. For example, World Water Day, Women’s Day, and Earth Day As well as, formulating and brainstorming new outreach ideas and plans.

When I officially started doing work for my internship all the nerve-wracking thoughts resurfaced. I didn’t know if they would like my work or what to expect. Nevertheless, my first task was to create a blog post. The blog post was to advertise donating to a cause. As well as, entering in a chance to win $4000.00 for yourself and $1000.00 for your desired non-profit or charity.  The deadline was the next day. I wasn’t anxious or nervous because I was used to working in crunch time and under pressure.

Drawing up sketches and possible ideas. Finalizing the thought of turning a piece of the logo into a piggy bank to indicate where you investing. Multiple hands to show that we are all pitching in and giving back to our community. Using a series of blues from the logo and tying it all together makes it be on-brand with the color consistency.

Presenting my graphic final look to my supervisor. We went back and forth in dealing with the body copy and text. The primary focus is on donating and what you can win. Playing around with type and the font weight adding the key details, I was finished late that night going into the morning. I made sure to make different sizes to cater to all their social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). Both my supervisor and the young lady in charge of maintaining the social media were proud of what I created.

A sense of relief was lifted off my shoulders. After that, all my assignments tasked to me were around creating posts on how to spend your winnings and for different world days. For example World Water Day, World Women’s Day, Earth Day, etc.

<img src=”InstagramFeedPost.png” alt=”Multiple hands placing coins and money into the Giving Forward heart logo used as a piggy bank”>

Working Remotely

Photograph by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Ahhh! Working remotely or doing online classes remotely has its perks. I have always had a love-hate relationship with working remotely. Due to covid, we all had to adjust to a new way of living and working. Life as we once know it had changed and we had to embrace and even come to the realization that the transition won’t be so easy. I am a hands-on person, I love being in the moment in the atmosphere while doing the work. While I like the comfort of my home, especially my bed, it creates room for slacking but that’s in my opinion. I can get up whenever I feel like it and even start my daily routine at any given moment I just sometimes feel like all the morals and rules I had in place for myself just got tossed through the door at times. Moreover, remote working made it easier for accomplishing tasks. I just need to always be on top of things. So, the same ground rules I instill for myself in remote learning I apply here at work.

Also, since all my coworkers are in different parts of the state and even the world it’s easier for us to all meet and comes together as one. In times like these, it shows us how easily at the snap of your fingers you can bring work home and have it be that you were never working remotely. The way how technology is set up too makes things easier as well.