Pain is temporary

a card that says "Pain is temporary"

“Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, or an hour or a day, or even a year. But eventually, it will subside. And something else take its place. If I quit, however, it will last forever.” – Eric Thomas

“There were several tremendously difficult times in my life when I was ready to call it quits. One time that I can recall that everyone can relate to is during my time in City Tech. I was taking 6 classes during the summer and the work load was extreme. There were days I would only get an hour or less of sleep. Wake up, write a report, study math, and other class work for two months straight but I kept telling myself this quote. Pain is temporary, because I knew that at the end of all the pain is the success I need.”

Name: C. S. Jones
Age: N/A
Major: N/A

Live, love and laugh!

a card that says "Live, Love, and Laugh!'
“Time may be flying in the speed of light, but one should pause and smell the rose that flourished in the rich soil. Begin to cherish the moments that were used to display you as the person you are today. Live, love and laugh!”
“In this current time, many people are just moving along with time. Once time goes by, you can’t get it back. We only have 168 hours per week, 24 hours per day, and one chance to live. As an individual, I would just treat each day of my life as an ordinary day. This past spring, I participated in a leadership retreat where I not only met new people; but also explored more about myself. By the end of this retreat, I was able to cherish that moment and relive the memories where I’ve accomplished many goals. It’s very important to take one day at a time. Everyday is different, yet you’re the author of your life. Whatever you choose to do will influence your present, and future. Without laughter, love and cherishment, you can’t enjoy your life, loved ones and especially yourself. Remember to live, love and laugh everyday!”
Name: J. Sledge
Age: 20
Major: Accounting

Love the way you live

a card that says "You love the way you live"

“You love the way you live.

I think, that our usual behavior can be traced in everything we do. Our everyday routine and willingness to do things can reflect how we approach specific assignments. The same is true when it comes to loving and caring about somebody: we tend to love as genuine as we do other things.

Of course, caring about a person we love can’t be completely compared with doing that end-of-a-week laundry, yet it has something important in common: passion to get something done or achieve a result. If we approach doing laundry without a drop of passion, we won’t ever be satisfied with a fact that our clothes is clean and fresh again. Love to another person within this scenario shares the same path: lack of satissfaction. We will never be completely satissfied unless we appreciate a presence of that very special person and go beyond possible to make them happy.

It is not a secret that everything has its up and downs moments, and sometimes we are fed up enough. We see escape as the only solution. But love isn’t here for those who give up easily. Love wants us to be persistant and work hard.

If we approach duties without a passion on a daily basis, we create a habit of carelessness. I think, it is hard to become a caring person all of a sudden if our routine behaviour is different.

A solution, of course, exists. We should approach everything with a great passion and enjoy a process. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes a part of us and can be traced in everything we do, including love and care.”

Name: R. Verhnyak
Age: 24
Major: Mechanical Engineering

Don’t give in to weakness

a card that says "When the mind doesn't give in to weakness, a well-trained body follows"

“When I was 17 I graduated high school and like most teens, you don’t know what to do when you graduate high school. I decided to join the Military. I went through basic training and it was the first time I was far away from my family. It was a new experience. There are some people who can’t handle being away from their families so they break down mentally. There was one guy in my platoon who was like that. He had enough of the physical and emotional pain so he had tried to commit suicide. The drill sergeants made an example of him yelling at him and told everyone not to be like him. The very next morning we went on a 12 mile run and the drill sergeant kept using the guy who had quit as an example saying things like “don’t quit guys, don’t be like him” and somewhere in between he says to everyone “Remember guys, when the mind doesn’t give into weakness, a well-trained body follows”. It took me a while to understand the meaning behind that quote because I was too busy concentrating on other things but the quote keeps coming up in my mind when I feel exhausted with work and school.”

Name: A. S. Jara
Age: 24
Major: Math Education

Living the Moment

a card that says "Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have -Eckhart Tolle"

“This is probably more than just a quote to me now.  This is my mantra.

Its true that at times of pain, sadness and grief that we should try to be positive.

What people forget to mention is the process it takes to have a positive mindset.

You don’t just say to yourself, “well thats unfortunate and shit happens.”

You observe (realize) your mind and let these thoughts and emotions pass through you and you accept (consciousness) the moment for what it is.

People see time as the means to salvation, whereas in truth it is the greatest obstacle to salvation.  You think that you cant get there from where and who you are at this moment because you are not yet complete or good enough, but the truth is that here and now is the only point from where you can get there.   You get there by realizing that you are there already.

There is nothing you can ever do or attain that will get you closer to salvation than it is at this moment.  This may be hard to grasp for a mind accustomed to thinking that everything worthwhile is in the future.  Nor can anything that you ever did or that was done to you in the past prevent you from saying yes to what is and taking your attention deeply into the NOW.  You cannot do this in the future. You do it now or not at all.

Overall these few words have motivated my thinking, strengthened my faith and increased my ability to open up to learning about myself.

With these words I have faced many fears, failed and succeeded in many battles.

But it all started with the moment I was in and observed myself without limits of psychological clock time and it has not let me down since.”

Name: A. H. Abrew
Age: N/A
Major: Construction Management

Do the things

a card that says "You must do the things you think you cannot do"

“Everyday I am afraid. I suffer from anxiety and there are moments of darkness that I fear there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes the fear and anxiety cripples me, and I forget what motivates me to continue. There’s this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that reads “You must do the things you think you cannot do,” which encourages me to push through any obstacles. It hangs above my bed and each morning and night it reminds me to do daily what I think I cannot do— that anything and everything is possible.”

Name: J. S.
Age: N/A
Major: English

Tomorrow’s another day

a card that says "Tomorrow's another day."

“Tomorrow’s another day.

We worry so much about getting a lot done in one day that we get stressed out and depressed. Tomorrow’s another day.

If we exhale, unwind, and focus on one task at a time, life will be much easier. Tomorrow’s another day.

If we can endure the rainy day, the sunshine will be worth it. Tomorrow’s another day.

We don’t fail, we learn, so we can win tomorrow. Tomorrow’s another day.”

Name: R. B.
Age: N/A
Major: Illustration

One Life to Live. One Love to Give.

This week I’d like to feature Poetic Justice (Officer Dave Edwards), who did a poetry performance at City Tech’s Literary Arts Festival this past March. After asking for his favorite quote about life, here is what he gave me. And I have lettered it along with a photograph I took of him during his performance.

a man with a microphone, and the words "I have one life to live, one love to give."

“One life to live. One love to give.

Amazing exotic and full of grace.
I’d never forget the look on her face.
Her smile so inviting, simple yet sweet.
A woman of rear form, from her head to her feet.
Her eyes just like diamonds.
Her smile shines like the Sun.
If anyone has a heart of gold
I swear she is the one.
So my beautiful friend of
this I am positive
You have showed me I have only
One life to live and one love to give.”

– Dave Edwards a.k.a. Poetic Justice

Believing in Yourself

a card that says "To influence the world, you must start with believing in yourself."

“Throughout my life, I have gotten a chance to accomplish so many things in my life that many people don’t get a chance to experience. I’ve been a participant in many non-profit organizations such as the Fiver Children’s Foundation, the Boys and Girls Club, and a couple others. The experience that I was given during my time being a part of non-profits was the ability to empower myself to think more positively, be creative and believe in the impossible. With the mentors and teachers and friends that helped me to become the person I am today through constant advice and perseverance, I will never give up on what I love to do. That same experience I was given, I want to give to others.  Along becoming an inspirational designer, I dream help others succeed and help acknowledge the creativity others have to reach their goals. There is nothing more I enjoy then spending time with people who love what they do and those people inspire me every day. “To influence the world, you must start with believing in yourself”. I believe that I am a crazy creative person and through creativity, anything is possible.”

Name: A. B.
Age: N/A
Major: Graphic Design



Listening to the Struggles of Others

a card

“When I was growing up as the only child, I’ve experienced people leaving me at the age of 7. Through experiencing many hardships growing up, getting picked on and people backstabbing me, it has taught me many life lessons and how people end up changing under certain circumstances. Learning people’s true colors after seeing them go through hot water changed my perspective.

Throughout my hardships and rough patches, it showed me how I can relate to so many people. I am able to give many life lessons and advice because I been through so many harsh circumstances. Life lessons eventually became my wisdom. Through advising other people who are going through many things, I try to warn them of what to do and not to do because it’s just horrible to repeat someone else’s mistake. Making a mistake twice is a decision. I’ve had couples come to me for advice, and many other type of people, but sometimes advising is not enough because people would prefer to experience the hardship and learn it the hard way.

Most of all people just need someone to listen to them whenever they mention their struggles, because we’re all struggling in many ways. Some of us are good at hiding our struggles. To listen to someone, you don’t listen to reply, but you listen to actually listen to them.”

Name: A. U. W.
Age: N/A
Major: Law and Paralegal Studies