***The following schedule is subject to change. Refer to the Weekly Agenda posts linked here for up-to-date content.***
Week 1
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 1/25
- Topic: Introduction, Course Overview – Why Theory?
- Readings / Media: Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the Field. Princeton Architectural Press, 2009, Introduction, pages 9-15
- Assignment: Reading Response 1, Revisiting the Avant-garde
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 2/1, 11:59pm
Week 2
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 2/1
- Topic: Laying the Groundwork for Design Theory, authorship, universality, social responsibility
- Readings / Media: F.T. Marinetti, “Manifesto of Futurism”; Aleksandr Rodchenko, “Who We Are: Manifesto of the Constructivist Group”; El Lissitzky, “Our Book”
- Assignment: Reading Response 2, Manifestos and the Avant-Garde
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 2/8, 11:59pm
Week 3
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 2/8
- Topic: Manifestos, Movements and the Avant-Garde
- Readings / Media: Madeleine Morley; Master László Moholy-Nagy Saw Photoshop Coming, 90 Years Ahead of Time (2019), László Moholy-Nagy; Typophoto (1925), Jan Tschichold, “The Principles of the New Typography” 1928
- Assignment: Reading Response 3, Discussion: Manifestos
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 11:59pm
Week 4
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 2/15
- Topic: Bauhaus Function and Form
- Readings / Media: Karl Gerstner, Designing Programmes (exc.); Joseph Muller-Brockman, “Grid and Design Philosophy”; Margaret Rhodes, The Swiss Designers Breaking Tradition
- Assignment: Reading Response 4
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 2/22, 11:59pm
Week 5
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 2/22
- Topic: International Style Evolution
- Assignment: Research Paper 1
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 3/1, 11:59pm (first draft) and 3/8, 11:59pm (final draft)
Week 6
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 3/1
- Topic: Choosing a Research Project Topic, Research Project Outline
- Readings / Media: Typography as a Radical Act in an Industry Ever-dominated by White Men by Silas Munro
- Assignment: Reading 5, Research Paper #1 Final Version
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 3/8, 11:59pm
Week 7
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 3/7
- Topic: Mainstream Modernism + American Corporate Identity; Mid-Term Assessment
- Readings / Media: Steven Heller, Underground Mainstream
- Assignment: Reading Response 6, Research Project Outline due
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 3/15, 11:59pm
Week 8
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 3/15
- Topic: Semiotics, Ways of Meaning
- Readings / Media: Hall, Sean. This Means This, This Means That: A User’s Guide to Semiotics, Laurence King Publishing, 2012 (Chapters 1 & 2); Ferdinand de Saussure, Course in General Linguistics (excerpt)
- Assignment: Reading Response 7, Midterm Assessment
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 3/22, 11:59pm
Week 9
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 3/22, 11:59pm
- Topic: Media as Message; Persuasive Media
- Readings / Media: Roland Barthes, “Rhetoric of the Image”
- Assignment: Reading Response 8
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 3/29, 11:59pm
Week 10
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 3/29
- Topic: Context and Representation; Stereotype in Advertising Media; Visual Rhetoric
- Assignment: Research Paper 2
- Due Dates: First Draft is due 4/5, Final Draft is due 4/19
Week 11
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 4/19
- Topic: Post-Modernism / Research Paper 2 Draft Due
- Readings / Media: “80s Design is Alive, Well, and Living in 2019” by Nadja Sayej, published in PRINT, March 6, 2019; Katherine McCoy and David Frej “Typography as Discourse” 1988, Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong.
- Assignment: Reading Response 9, Research Paper #2 Final
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 4/26, 11:59pm
Week 12
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 4/26
- Topic: The Digital Revolution & Social Responsibility
- Readings / Media: Rick Poynor “The Evolving Legacy of Ken Garland’s First Things First Manifesto“
- Assignment: Reading Response 10 + Discussion: Graphic Authorship & Social Responsibility now and then.
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 5/4, 11:59pm
Week 13
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 5/3
- Topic: New Paradigms / Final Research Project Presentation prep / Discussion: Final Project Research In Progress
- Assignment: Research Project due
- Due Dates: Wednesday, 5/10, 11:59pm
Week 14
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 5/10
- Topic: Research Project Presentations, Peer Feedback, Grade Survey
- Assignment: Research Project Peer Feedback, Research Journal
- Due Dates: *All Research Project Presentations due next class*
Week 15
- Date Posted: Wednesday, 5/17
- Topic: Wrap up, review Final Research Project Presentations
- Assignment: Grade Survey, Course Evaluations
- Due Dates: All late and revised work due by 5/22
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