Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2023

Category: Reading Responses (Page 1 of 11)

Reading Response 8 – JM

Roland Barthes’ “Rhetoric of the Image” essay from Image – Music – Text, Translated by Stephen Heath. Hill and Wang, 1977. (excerpt)

  • Define and identify the three types of messages that Barthes breaks down in the Panzani advertisement (linguistic, coded iconic, non-coded iconic).
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Reading Response 4 – CC

Karl Gerstner, Designing Programmes pg 55-61, Joseph Muller-Brockman, “Grid and Design Philosophy” pg 62-63 Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong; and Margaret Rhodes, The Swiss Designers Breaking Tradition.

This article examines the development of the Swiss Style in graphic design as … Read More

Reading Response 9 – OSB

Collages and mixed media are used in today’s society through art whether it’s fine art digital art, design, advertising and branding. For me, I use collages and mixed media for moodboard. For my line of work which is Art Direction, my job is to design … Read More

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