Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2023

Category: Announcements


Just a belated note to say congratulations on successfully wrapping up your semester. And here is the 360 video we shot on the last day of class!

COMD3504 Students in 360
(use arrows, mouse, or trackpad to navigate)

As I’m sure you saw, your final … Read More

Research paper 2 OSB

Advertising is one of the most inspiring/influential, informative and persuasive tools used in creativity for centuries. Ads communicate messages and meaning to what’s being created. Mostly, these ads are to give a form of identity to the creators and to the world. There are a … Read More

All Work Due Today!

Just a reminder that all work is due today May 23rd by 11:59pm.

Don’t forget to create a post with a link to your Research Journal and add one comment on each of your classmates’ presentations (especially those who presented at the end of … Read More