Roland Barthes’ “Rhetoric of the Image” essay from Image – Music – Text, Translated by Stephen Heath. Hill and Wang, 1977. (excerpt)

As you read, make note of all important terms (ie. linguistic sign, connoted, denoted, etc.), especially if their meaning is unclear.  Also, make note of important points that you don’t completely follow. Record a list of questions you have concerning the reading.

  • Define and identify the three types of messages that Barthes breaks down in the Panzani advertisement (linguistic, coded iconic, non-coded iconic).
  • How is the Panzani advertisement trying to persuade and influence the viewer?

Linguistic message refers to the explicit, written, or spoken language used in the advertisement. This can be communicated through various ways, whether physical or digital, but texts and words are the main symbols to send that message. In the case of the Panzani advertisement, the linguistic message includes the words, slogans, and any textual elements present in the ad. For example, the brand name “Panzani” or any textual descriptions or captions accompanying the visuals.

Coded iconic message involves visual symbols, images, or signs with cultural or conventional meanings. These symbols go beyond their literal representation and carry specific connotations or associations. In the Panzani advertisement, Barthes identified several coded iconic messages. For instance, certain ingredients like pasta, tomatoes, and olive oil may evoke the idea of Italian cuisine. These cultural signifiers convey a particular message about the product and create a specific mood or impression.

Non-coded iconic message encompasses the direct, sensory impact of the visual elements without relying on culturally established meanings or symbols. It refers to the advertisement’s purely visual and aesthetic aspects, including color, composition, lighting, and overall visual appeal. In the case of the Panzani ad, the non-coded iconic message could be the arrangement of ingredients in an appealing and appetizing manner, the use of vibrant colors to enhance the visual impact, or the overall visual style and design of the advertisement.

Panzani advertisement combines the use of historical reputation, taste appeal, visual presentation, and cultural references to persuade and influence the viewer. By appealing to their senses, emotions, and desire for quality and authenticity, the ad aims to shape the viewer’s perception of the brand and encourage them to choose Panzani products.



