Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2023

Discussion: Week 13

Add a comment to this Discussion Post with link(s) to your Research Project & Presentation in progress. Give feedback to your classmates before May 9th to allow time for revision.

Review the Research Project & Presentation guidelines to make sure you are clear about what the expectations are. Specifically, take note of the requirements for Your Annotated Bibliography and Your Presentation Format.

Below find some helpful links for tips and tools you can use to assemble and record your Research Presentation.

If you have questions about putting together your presentation, don’t wait until the last minute. Post your questions here and/or contact me.

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  1. Sebastian Chapman

    Here is most of the script and annotated bibliography for the final presentation research project. Slides are not ready yet.

  2. Christopher Acosta

    Christopher Acosta – Presentation on Freemium games

  3. Jesus Pena

    Below is my powerpoint online presentation with a bibliography at the end. (in progress)


  4. Erick Fiallos

    Hi, erick here

    this is my project so far, hope u like it


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