Paul Rand “Good Design Is Good Will” 1987 from  Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field page 64-69 and Steven Heller Underground Mainstream” in Design Observer 2008.


There is not much of a distinctual difference between, “underground and main stream,” anymore due to much of todays art borrowing from both scenes and movements. With advances in technology propelling rapid changes in productivity, originality has become less and less possible, without giving proper credit as a result of much research. The concept of being original now relies on how much work and research someone is willing to put in to their work in order to maximize how original their work can be. Heller identifies, “Synthetic Psychedelia” as a key point in the use of, “Psychedelic Art” which would be characterized and influenced by psychedelics. This movement would be a reflection of the avant garde movement in which it would strive to break boundaries and push for more open mindness and acceptance of what is art and how art can change things.

Stella Artois, 2012

The ad below is from an ad campaign that is considered culture jamming due to how it is suggestive and can be misinterpretted due to the seemingly intentional vagueness of the visual. Although, the line is so widespread that most would know what it would say but its hard to ignore what it shouldn’t say but what it might be interpreted as. The whiting out is also confusing due to how it looks like its covering part of the word or another word which leaves the meaning relying on our own interpretations that could be based on what we see which gives the company more attention but leaves much for discussion and controversy.


Culture Jamming, 10 Tactics

Established and Establishing Designs and Designs Annotation 1

Unrealistic Deadlines Annotation 2

Two Sides of design relationships Annotation 3

Commercial Design and Boundaries Annotation 1

Rise, fall and rise again Annotation 2

Commercial Culture, Annotation 3

Charles, Gemma. “Stella Artois 4% Unveils Latest ‘She Is a Thing of Beauty’ Ad.” Campaign US, Campaign, 11 May 2012,