Read Karl Gerstner, Designing Programmes pg55-61Joseph Muller-Brockman, “Grid and Design Philosophy” pg62-63 found in our main text Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong; and Margaret Rhodes, The Swiss Designers Breaking Tradition


  • How do each of these designers/authors think you should approach design?
  • Include an example of contemporary typography/layout that embodies the two design systems or philosophies described by Karl Gerstner and Joseph Muller-Brockman. And explain why!
  • How do the contemporary Swiss designers described in Margaret Rhodes’ essay “flirt with breaking the rules of the International Typographic Style“?

These designers/authors point in opposite directions when it comes to approaching design. Karl approached design through mathematical and calculated thinking. Just like equations he thought that combining design elements would create successful results. His artistic perspective was heavily influenced by science and math so he strayed away from irrational and erratic thinking and focused more on how to logically design. Josef Muller-Brockman was somewhat similar to Karl but just a bit less intense. He believed in using the grid, which “means submitting to the laws of universal validity” and Josef was content with that. Even though he supported the idea of asymmetry and color, he still believed having certain restrictions were important. 

On the other hand, Alexander Tochilovsky believed that art should not have any constraints, it should be an expression of the artist himself which would make the work a lot more personal and unique. Including the artist’s perspective and aesthetic was important to him even if it meant breaking a few rules which of course should not impact legibility, in my personal opinion. 

An example of work that I think includes all three approaches to design is this poster “Your Turn, My Turn, PDC 3, 3-D Poster; Designed by April Greiman (American, b. 1948)”. Even though it has a strict grid and is asymmetrical it is still very organized and legible.