Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | FALL 2023 | Thurs 2:30pm

Research Project Presentation – JR

Stage Design

How do stage design elements influence an audience’s experience in today’s concerts?

Stage design is a key part of live performances within the music industry. It’s the process of creating the visual, physical, and environment for a performance within a specific space. In design terms, stage design involves graphics, UI/UX, and other aesthetic elements to create a unique experience we all love and enjoy. In this project, I will cover how these stage designers create these unforgettable experiences to be able to enjoy artists and their amazing work.

Annotated Bibliography:

  1. Annotated Bibliography


  1. Jennell T

    Great job Jonathan! I like you had specific video examples for each topic that you explored in your presentation. I also took note of the music playlist interface that you added, that was a nice touch.

  2. Lola Lopez

    I really like your use of videos and the way you made your presentation feel like a music playlist. I also like how you use the music player template to separate your topics, and your pace was really good. A suggestion would be maybe to add the play/pause, back/forward buttons, and progress bar (like in your conclusion) in each section, could be a smaller size below the title so as to not overpower the words, but so is more clear that it is a playlist, the progress bar can even show progression with each topic.

  3. Ziqi

    I like the design you made that shows the name of the topics. It matches and relates to your topic you decided to work on. One thing I would suggest is to add some examples of concerts instead of just showing a stock video of whatever you’re talking about.

  4. Nicolas

    I really enjoyed this prevention and actually was looking forward to more as this aligns with some of my interests. The GUI themed presentation was also clever, especially the sidebar in the window. The only feed back would be adding functionality to the sidebar in the “window” to serve as markers or stand out titles/subtitles. Keep up the great work!

  5. SarahJane Hayward

    Really nice storytelling and I liked how much movement was provided through the use of videos. It would be nice to hear/see one concrete example that you go in to a deeper analysis with. Other than that super solid presentation and production quality!

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