Category: Intro (Page 5 of 9)

Time Capsule: Maurine Dubuisson

What success would look like for me personally is having good grades and knowing l fully understand the courses I took and learned a lot from them. By December at the end of the semester as a successful student, I will be ready to start a major program with high grades of A’s and B’s and fully motivated to continue to do good through any obstacles that may be difficult.  What makes the semester feel like time well spent is how I got through it during these online courses. It shows how I can handle online classes knowing in school classes is a better focus for me to learn. Actions I can take now this semester to achieve my goals is to always attend any online classes, take notes, and pay attention because I can get distracted easily at home. The only challenge I’m up against is right now is the online school.  I find it boring and not much as exciting as how it was in school. It makes me not focus and feels like I’m not learning properly how I should be.  I’ll try my best to get as many things done because I know I want to do good.

Time capusle: Adrian Deleon

What would look like a good semester to me is getting high grades and understanding all the fundamentals of mechanical engineering technology.  Currently, this is my first time being in college which I had a smooth start however it is tough for me to manage assignments online classes and I hope by the end of December I will be able to have better time management skills while keeping a calm determined mind. if I achieve this I will feel like this semester was well spent and I can move forward in college with my new skills. In order to reach this goal, I must learn effective time management skills such as finishing assignments early or if I have too many assignments and events to attend to so I can save one assignment for later depending on the due date.  I will also breakdown class lessons step by step so that way I can study better. I learn better when I’m in the school than at home and since I don’t have college books I have to constantly spend a lot of time searching for methods on how to complete the assignments in a simpler way.


“Time Capsule”: Akmal

My name is Akmal and I like to read different kind of books in purpose  to be a best writer. I like read books   such as historical fiction, classics and etc. I hope to learn more  information from my English class and get success to write best essays. In addition, my plans  get extra homework from my professor and be success in exams. I promise to myself to be active in the classwork  and complete my Fall semester successfully.

On tip that goals at the beginning of the semester and check-in  myself weekly .In traditional classroom setting , we will often receive verbal or visual reminders of an assignment’s upcoming due date. But  a  professor actively reminding me , it is up to make sure I have allotted enough time to complete the work so I am not starting an assignments the day before it is due. . I will mark them on calendar and I check regularly so I will know what workload is coming in the weeks ahead.That is why always try to connect with my professor to know about new assignments.The  main points be responsible to do everything on time and organize my time beginning the semester. We are living in technology century, so I will learn lessons which I did not understand in  class. I will watch find information Wikipedia, YouToube and etc. In last I will never give up and I  will keep learning even I have a free time.


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