Akmal: Unit 3 Project Proposal

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  1. Mia Genoves

    What genre is your partner going to explore in Unit 3?
    -My partner is going to be doing a newspaper.
    Who is the audience being targeted?
    -The audience that is being targeted are the ones who need to understand the governments safety rules to protect ourselves from COVID-19. I do believe this is the right audience because many people need to understand the safety precautions for COVID-19.
    What message is your partner trying to convey?
    -COVID-19 is a virus that can spread around and kill many people. Without the governments safety rules, it could lead to even more deaths. Which is why people need to take this seriously and wait until a vaccine is made.
    Respond to the quotation that your partner highlighted
    -The quote that my partner highlighted talked about the ways we can stop COVID-19 from spreading. Staying home and doing work online is the best thing for us at the moment because it will be less cases of the virus.

  2. Jennifer Sears

    Akmal, this is such an important and timely topic. A project that helps people understand how to take safety measures sounds very valuable. If you write an article, think about the community you specifically wish to reach, Is there a community that you see not following these rules? Where might that community be getting their information? You might think of an article that targets a very local audience, such as the Greenpoint News or the Brooklynr. If you think about writing for the New York Times, you might think about which section, perhaps the Health or the Education section. Let me know if you have further questions!

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