Mia Genoves: Project Proposal Unit 3

Dreams and how the brain plays a huge role while we dream is what I want to teach my audience, as well as the meaning of specific dreams we have. The audience I hope to reach would be the ones who connect their dreams to their life. Learning the significance of dreams may help connect with current relationships, behaviors, and moods. I’m planning on doing a poster. I will search for effective poster designs and create an eye-catching visual of my topic.

The quote that stood out to me in unit 2 was, “Although dreams are fascinating, and psychologists and scientists have devoted years to uncovering the meaning and purpose behind dreams, the fact remains that no one really knows why we dream” (source 1). Dreams are a way for us to function psychologically. Our dreams help us with our emotions, as well as store valuable memories.


  1. Akmal Khudaybakhshiev

    What genre is your partner going to explore in unit 3?
    – My partner is going to be doing newspaper.
    Who is the audience being targeted?
    – The audience that is being targeted are the ones who need reach would be the ones who connect their dreams to their life. In addition my partner trying to explain dreams. significance of dreams may help with current relationships. I do believe this is the right audience because people need to understand role of dreaming in their life and benefits of dreaming.
    What message is your partner trying to convey?
    – Sleeping on time is important to see clear dreams and be active during a day because dreams are way for us to function psychologically. Dreams help us to remember our past memories and also helps to see our things which we wanted see in real life.
    – The quote that my partner highlighted talked about dreams can make humanity thinks come true in their dreams and be and give positive mood.

  2. Jennifer Sears

    Mia, a poster with visual aids could be a great way to explore dreams as dreams are largely about a visual experience. You might think more clearly about where this poster would be displayed to think about audience. Would you display it in a counseling center or a place that tries to help people understand their lives and their relationships? Or, would you think of making something for a more public audience and make the poster more entertaining? Just something to think about. Let me know if you have further questions!

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