Awa Lo: Project Proposal, Unit 3

What I hope to teach your audience in this new project is how drugs is being an issued and how it badly affected people mostly the adults and adolescent this topic is targeted for the people that have drugs addiction. in this topic they can learn how drugs may affect their life and brain.

The quote from my unit 2 research that inspired me the most was “Typical adverse effects include impaired short-term memory, cognitive impairment, diminished life satisfaction, and increased risk of using other substances” I choose this quote because it show drugs affect many people in a bad way.

1 Comment

  1. Kiera U.

    1. What genre is your partner going to explore in Unit 3?
    Awa did not specify what genre she is going to be exploring for unit 3.

    2. Who is the audience being targeted?
    Awa states that the audience she’s targeting are people with drug addictions. I feel like her topic could also be targeted for people who aren’t drug addicts such as people who have witnessed substance abuse before, or people who just don’t know the damaging affects of illicit drugs.

    3. What message is your partner trying to convey?
    The message that Awa is trying to convey is that drug use is a big problem and can affect someone’s health and life badly.

    4. Respond to the quotation that your partner highlighted.
    The quote Awa chose from her research states the effects of substance abuse such as memory issues, happiness, and having a higher chance of abusing more substances.
    I think this quote means that long-term substance abuse can cause severe damage to memory, poor judgement and decision making, and even depression. Long-term substance abuse can also make people more vulnerable to getting mixed up in other substances that can also potentially be life threatening.
    This quote relates to Awa’s overall project because it highlight’s some of the effects that substance abuse can have on an individual and it is very eye opening and informational.

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