Anaya: Unit 3 Project Proposal

In my project, I hope to teach my audience about the root of all races, modern humans, and the genes we know today. I would like to inform people who are interested in anthropology. For my project, Iā€™m planning to write in a brochure because itā€™s a simple and convenient way to give information. People can read it anywhere like in a museum or on a train. To start the project I will look up different styles of templates and practice my photoshopping skills.Ā Iā€™ll also research how to properly use my information to make the brochure as great as it can be.

One quote that inspired me the most was ā€œMitochondrial Eve was seen as potentially challenging gendered and racial categories.ā€ This quote comes from my second source, Mitochondrial Eve and the Affective Politics of Human Ancestry. This quote inspired me because it seems like all history is white history. Most of the time weā€™re learning and reading about white people. In biblical depictions, Eve is shown as a delicate white woman and it shows that she was the first modern woman. However, mitochondrial eve begs to differ, which ignited something in a lot of people.


  1. Maurine

    1. The genre Anaya is going to explore in Unit 3 is a brochure.

    2. Anaya’s audience is being targeted by people who are interested in anthropology. Yes this is the right audience.

    3. Anaya message to her audience is teaching them about the human life and what makes us human. Through different races, backgrounds and more.

    4. Anaya’s quote was “Mitochondrial Eve was seen as potentially challenging gendered and racial categories.” This quote means the mitochondrial eve is testing genders and racial class in the world. This relates to the overall project because Anaya talks about the human life in all forms.

  2. Jennifer Sears

    Anaya, this is a thoughtful proposal for an already thoughtful project. A brochure for the public seems like a great idea. You are thinking about museums and (subway) trains, so it seems you are specifically thinking of the public in New York City. You might think about how you can design the material to be appropriate for New Yorkers.

    I look forward to seeing the brochure. Let me know if you have further questions!

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