Lensky: Martin Luther King Protects Movement

Eric J. sundquist and Mark. “kings Dream” published 2009

The author purpose of  “King Dream” was to show the audience that Martin Luther King had a dream that every one would look at each other equally  no matter the skin color, The main point of “kings Dream” was to stop segregation, discrimination, and freedom also King goal was for black to have job opportunities and voting rights . King did was not a believer of violence in protesting, he never lost faith to ability to achieve something he wanted to be done .

Yes i believe the claim because Martin Luther King wanted everyone to be look at the same in all aspects and not be treated different because of you skin color. All though  Martin Luther King didn’t complete all his dreams he completed the ones that was most important for the society. I don’t understand why would Martin Luther King put himself in so much danger in front of thousand of people with no security guard. Another information i would like to know about King is what inspired him to write the  i have to dream . One thing i would like to ask the author is how did you feel after witting “king Dream” and knowing how much he sacrifice to help us today? After reading it give me a understand on my research question that Martin Luther King Never given up on his dreams.

Two quotes that i think was important:

“I have a dream that four little children will one day live in a nation they will not be just by their color.” This quote means that king believe that kids should be able to come to gather no matter the skin color.

“We hold truth to be self evident that all men are created equal.” This quote mean that no matter the color of or skin we all are mad the same.




Video I Have A Dream Speech by Marin Luther King Jr


In the video it talk about all Martin Luther Kings dreams that he wanted to happen in the country. The i have to dream speech was iconic in America it was like a hope that delivers the message that change needed to happen. Martin Luther King had big hope of change he wanted all of us to have freedom and everyone to be look at equally to each other no matter the color of your skin. In the video Martin Luther King tell thousands of people what he hope happen with his famous i have to dream speeches.



Two Important quotes from “I have A Dream”:


“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its.”This means that King believed that changed will happen. Another dream is

” “i have a dream one day black boys and black girls be able to join hand with white boys and girls.” This means that King wanted kids to be around each other no matter the color of their skins.


KNIGHT, TIMOTHY A., and RUFUS BURROW JR. “Martin Luther King Jr.’s Doctrine of Nonviolence and South Africa.” Western Journal of Black Studies,

In the article the author talks about Martin Luther king hard work on making a change in the world, he also talks about how he sacrifice his life to thousands and people standing up saying a speech to help make this world a better place. King believed that being nonviolent even though people wanted violence but he knew not using violence would allow people to hear him more even in a white country of South Africa where blacks wasn’t being treated the same as whites. King was big believer of god so he well tell people that god well make a change in this world.

Two quote that was important in article:

“King believed that nonviolent resistance worked best in democratic nation.” This quote mean not using violence we allowed them to hear what change you want to happen.

“The speech was a call to the soul of America.” This quote means that Martin King speech that lift up people

1 Comment

  1. Richard Fernandez

    1. What makes this submission seem complete or incomplete?
    Two of the three sources have a proper bibliographic citation, all three sources have a one paragraph summary, and all three sources have two quotes from each source. Only one of the three source has a one paragraph reflective response though, the second source doesn’t have a proper video mla citation, and less than four hundred words were written for each source, not including the quotes, so the submission looks incomplete to me.

    2. Record which source you find most interesting in the submission.

    I find Lensky’s second source to be the most interesting. It is an actual video recording of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech which tells you a lot about what Martin Luther King Jr. hoped to see happen one day in America.

    3. Identify one or two transition phrases your peer uses well.

    I think Lensky used the transition phrase “all though” pretty well.

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