What i am hoping to see as I move through this semester is that my grades are high 4.0 because for me i get lazy after a while at the start I like to do as much as I can to keep my grades  up but after a while of getting used to doing somewhat the same work I start to get lazy and fall off so I see that i can keep my grades up this semester I know I have reach my goal. I will face many challenges on the way is my procrastination problem no matter how easy or hard assessment is I always wait until the last minute its a bad habit that I have to break but it will take some time I guess i’m the type of person who enjoys their free time. But in order for me to overcome that problem and reach my goal I have to stay on top of things when an assessment is due on the first day I will try to do it as soon as it due to save me the trouble of doing it last minute I want to be able to pass this semester knowing i am capable of overcoming my problem and getting things done when it needs to be done.