For me, satisfaction this semester would be for me to develop calm, collected, and organized habits. I usually put a good ounce of my soul into every assignment if you know what I mean. This leads me to heavily grasp onto the concept of working first and playing later, but sometimes I get so exhausted that I want to go on a big relaxation binge. As a successful college student, I will work hard to continue growing, while remembering that rest is just as important as productivity. I don’t want to stay inside my comfort zone or stick to what’s good for me. Sure, getting good grades is very important in college, but what matters is getting better at what you do every time. That’s why success for me is centered around continual growth and learning and incorporating as much knowledge as I can into my daily life. I will study hard but also play hard when I need to. I find that stressing over something will make you grow to resent it, and I don’t need that at all. When I enjoy a class, I feel its effects on me throughout the day, whether it is looking forward to doing the next homework assignment or cheesing about how well I understood a lecture. This is exactly what would make me feel like a semester of college is worth it.

If I want to achieve my goals, I could create a vision board of how I want my life to be. Seeing what I want every day would drive me to work harder for it. I believe that the law of attraction is crucial when it comes to progressing in life. My life will be determined by the way I approach the troubles I face and the tasks I’m dealt with. If I choose to see the positive side of everything, that powerful energy in partnership with what I know is a great recipe for success. However, this will only get me on the path to success. The rest is completely left up to me and what I do. If I want to achieve my goals I can better plan my time so that I’m not working too hard or too little. I could also go over lessons before and after every class so that I can be on the same page as my professor. In addition to not having physical support from professors, the only thing that’s a little hard to deal with is my home learning environment. Yes, we all are stuck at home, but the major problem I have with this is because I have to squinch up in some uncomfortable corners to get an ounce of quiet from my gigantic family, but that’s okay because the Wi-Fi signal is semi-decent between those walls. However, those aren’t the most comfortable places to take notes.

The picture below represents what I want to feel when I’m working. Work can be pretty stressful, especially if you don’t take breaks or find a healthy balance between work and living an actual life. This woman is working, but she’s also pampering herself. She doesn’t look tired or stressed, so she’s radiating positive energy that would show in the quality of her work. She’s found her balance and it looks fantastic on her. That is entirely what I want for me.