Posting for Active Minds

Hi All-

This is my 3rd year using OpenLab, and I just now discovered the feature of Categories! So when possible, please submit your posts to respective categories by selecting from the category options on the left side of the screen when creating a  new post.  You will now see categories for Active Minds and LiveWell.

Thank you for making the slight adjustment and if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to send me an email!

-Dr. A.

One response to “Posting for Active Minds

  1. I visited and watched/read the story. I think Active Minds is a wonderful thing the founder has created. I never knew suicide for college students is rank numbered 2. I’m glad Active Minds grown over the years with a committed team of staffs under Alison’s direction and how it is helping many people. Active minds is not only for college students, I think it can work on any age, gender and ethnicity. This is an amazing organization.

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