Professor Kate Poirier | OL67 | Fall 2020

Category: Weekly checklists (Page 4 of 6)

Week 7 checklist

Monday, October 12 to Sunday, October 18

Class sessions: Tuesday, October 13 & Thursday, October 15, 8:30am

  • Zoom link is available on this page.
  • Zoom recordings and notes will be available from this page.
  • Office hours from 8:00am to 8:30am: use the same link.

Read: by Tuesday, October 13, 8:30am

  • 5.2 Constant Coefficient Homogeneous Equations (part 2, course hub lesson here)
  • 5.3 Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations (part 1, course hub lesson here)

Readby Thursday, October 15, 8:30 am

  • 5.3 Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations (part 2, course hub lesson here)
  • 5.4 The Method of Undetermined Coefficients I (course hub lesson here)

WeBWorK: due Sunday, October 18

These two sets correspond to Cases 2 and 3 from Section 5.2. You’ll have WeBWorK corresponding to later sections of Chapter 5 next week.

  • 6-SecondOrderRepeated
  • 7-SecondOrderComplex
  • Edit 10/16: 5-BasicSecondOrder has been reopened. Enjoy!

OpenLab: due Sunday, October 18

  • MAT 1575 X MAT 2680 collab (instructions on MAT 1575 site here)

Other: due ASAP

  • If you did not include your student ID card in your Test #1 scan, please rescan and resend (information and upload link here)

Coming up in Week 8:

  • more second-order linear differential equations from Chapter 5 and corresponding WeBWorK
  • stay tuned for Project #3 instructions (Project #3 will be similar to Project #1)

Week 6 checklist

Monday, October 5 to Sunday, October 11

Test #1 interviews: Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday

  • Schedule here.
  • Zoom link here (password is the same as for class sessions).
    • You will be placed in the waiting room when you join. I will admit you when ready. Please arrive a few minutes early. If the person ahead of you finishes early, I may be able to let you in early. If the person ahead of you finishes late, you will be held in the waiting room for a few extra minutes.
    • These meetings will be recorded. The recordings will not be used for anything unless the Math Department or the college require them later.
    • Have your Test #1 paper handy and be ready to answer questions about your work.
  • More information here.

Class sessions: Tuesday, October 6 & Thursday, October 8, 8:30am

  • Zoom link is available on this page.
  • Zoom recordings and notes will be available from this page.
  • Office hours from 8:00am to 8:30am: use the same link.

Read: by Tuesday, October 6, 8:30am

  • 5.1 Homogeneous Linear Equations (course hub lesson here)

Readby Thursday, October 8, 8:30 am

  • 5.2 Constant Coefficient Homogeneous Equations (course hub lesson here)

WeBWorK: due Sunday, October 11

The following three sets correspond with Section 5.2:

  • 5-BasicSecondOrder
  • 6-SecondOrderRepeated (due Sunday, October 18)
  • 7-SecondOrderComplex (due Sunday, October 18)

Project #2: due Sunday, October 11

Coming up in Week 7:

  • 5.3 Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations
  • 5.4 The Method of Undetermined Coefficients I

Week 5 checklist

Monday, September 28 to Sunday, October 4

Schedule changes:

  • Tuesday, September 29 follows a Monday schedule, so we will hold an optional extra problems session during our usual meeting time on Tuesday. This session will be recorded for students who cannot attend.
  • We will not meet on Thursday, October 1. Instead, you will have Thursday and Friday to take Test #1. You are encouraged to take the test on Thursday morning, but you may take it during any 2-hour window on Thursday or Friday.
  • Stay tuned for an OpenLab post with specific Test #1 instructions (like the post-test interview sign-up sheet and the link to upload your written work) early in the week.

Coming up in Week 6:

  • Project #2 due Sunday, October 11 (details here)
  • Test #1 interviews (details here)
  • Read by Tuesday, October 6:
    • 5.1 Homogeneous Linear Equations (course hub lesson here)
  • Read by Thursday, October 8:
    • 5.2: Constant Coefficient Homogenous Equations (course hub lesson here)
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