Test #1

Thursday, October 1 to Friday, October 2

Test #1 will be a take-home test given over two days during Week 4: Thursday, October 1 and Friday, October 2. It covers material from Chapters 2 and 4 of your text.

Accessing questions

Each student will have their own personalized test questions. You will access your questions on WeBWorK. The WeBWorK test will be open for 48 hours (midnight Wednesday night to midnight Friday night) but once you click Take Test #1 test, you will have 2 hours to submit your answers in WeBWorK.

WeBWorK checks all your answers at once. You can save your entries by clicking “Preview.” You will have two attempts to check your answers (for example, if you catch a typo you will be able to fix it).

Submitting solutions

Your WeBWorK score will not count toward your Test #1 grade. Instead, two thirds of your Test #1 grade will come from your written work and one third will come from a one-on-one interview (details below). You will submit your complete written work as a single one-page PDF using a Dropbox file request link (similar to what you are doing here). Your written work must be submitted within 30 minutes of your WeBWorK test. Show all your work.

Don’t forget to

  • write your name and EMPLID on each page,
  • place your student ID card in the photo.

The file request link to upload your work will be announced closer to the test date.

Second version

Twenty-four hours after you start your test, as long as the 48-hour test window is still open, you will be able to take a second version of the test. You can do this if your internet goes down or if you get interrupted on your first attempt. Plan to take your test on Thursday so you can use your second attempt on Friday if you need it (remember you must wait 24 hours).

Only one version of your written work will be graded. Your WeBWorK test grade will not count toward your Test #1 grade but will be used to determine which version of your written work will be graded (the one corresponding to the higher WeBWorK grade).


One third of your Test #1 grade will come from a one-on-one interview with your instructor the week after you take Test #1. You may be asked to defend your written work for one or more of the test questions or you may be asked to solve a problem similar to one on your test. Your interview will be graded out of a possible 2 points:

  • 2/2 = solution was fully defended/explained
  • 1/2 = solution was partially defended/explained
  • 0/2 = solution was not defended/explained (probable academic integrity violation)

The sign-up sheet for interview slots will be posted on the OpenLab closer to the test date.

Academic integrity

Any work you submit must be your own. You may not consult anyone else (including classmates, other students, tutoring services) or any websites or apps (including Google, automated problem solvers).

You may use your textbook, the course hub, and your own notes from the class.

Test #1 Review

Due on the OpenLab Sunday, September 27, 11:59pm

Choose one question from the textbook homework or from WeBWorK. Post your full solution on the OpenLab. Title your post “Test #1 Review” and add the section or WeBWorK set name and problem number. Add the category Test #1 Review before submitting your post. You may type out the solution using LaTeX or upload a photo of hand-written work.

Make sure nobody has submitted your problem already; try to make sure every section that will be on Test #1 is represented.

It is up to you as a class to ensure that all solutions are correct. If you have a question about someone else’s post, if you would like more detail, or if you think the solution contains an error, post a comment asking the question or correcting the error.

The idea here is that you as a class are creating a review sheet for everyone to study from for the first test. You will be given participation credit for this post.