Professor Kate Poirier | OL67 | Fall 2020

Category: Student Work (Page 43 of 44)

Introducing Julio Dominguez

Hey everyone, my name is Julio and I’m a computer engineering major. I’m a transfer student from a two year college which I only ended up going to because I wasn’t sure what I wanted as my major but after some time and passionate professors I ended up going with Comp Engineering. I’m currently taking this and linear algebra as my last math classes (I hope) because in all honesty I just want to get them all done with. I’m currently working for the City part time during the semester and full time in between, my hope is to start my career with them post graduation although I might just lose my job before the semester even ends thanks to budget cuts and the Rona. On the other hand my animal crossing village is looking extra clean thanks to the extra free time most of us got during all this and my favorite animal is a black panther, I promise it was before the movie came out.

“Introducing Sierra T. Secours”

Hello everyone! My name is Sierra T. Morales, formally known as Secours. I am a Mechanical Engineering Technology major. I was drawn to my major after having quite a bit of experience with Autodesk Inventor and building trusses throughout my third and fourth year of high school.

If I am being honest, MAT 2680 will be my last mathematics only course I will be taking during my undergrad as I plan on graduating in Spring 2021.

For the past three years, my track after City Tech was to commission as a Second Lieutenant in the US Army either pursuing a career in the engineering corps or medical corps. However, it wasn’t till early Spring 2020 that I realized that I no longer wanted to be part of the armed forces but, rather join the civilian world as a medical engineer. I am currently prototyping a modified version of the continuous glucose monitor (CGM) used on type 1&2 diabetes patients.

My interests revolve around building drones and robots but, lately with quarantine, I found myself only interested in playing animal crossing on my Nintendo switch.

I would say I am proud of the woman I’ve become today with my strict Asian upbringing and being an immigrant coming from Montreal, Quebec, coming in 2008 not knowing a lick of English.

I don’t read much other than the documents, manuals, and articles I need and as for my favorite animal…definitely a panda.

Now, as for how the pandemic affected me, my husband and I were both forced out of our apartment in the city along with 100s of other younger tenants in the building in early march. My husband and I temporarily stayed with his family in Miami, Florida for a few months and recently decided to come home to New York about a month and a half ago. Ever since we came back, I’ve been staying in a hotel apartment hunting…still no luck. You would think that in the city where most people are fleeing or are being kicked out that there would be vacancies and desperate landlords seeking tenants but, instead they’re price gouging and being picky.

Now to stray away from the gloom of pandemic sob stories, I am a peer advisor for the Mechanical Engineering department, I work with Perkins Peer advisement—you may reach out to us here on openlab at any time for any of the Tech and design majors, simply look up Perkins. If you need any help with advisement, tutoring, or need help at all, don’t hesitate to ask. Another thing, I am also your SGA Executive Secretary, if you have any questions pertaining to the school, clubs, etc. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us on either our instagram @citytechsga or via my personal email until I receive my official SGA email

If you have any questions about clubs particularly the Mechatronics Club (robotics), ASME Student Chapter (engineering society), I am the President of both these clubs, feel free to ask me anything. I also work closely with the other clubs ie. Drones Club, Makers Club, VR&AI club, IEEE Club, let me know and I’d be happy to connect you to the right people if you’re interested in getting involved in club activities.

“Introducing Brian E.”

  • I’m a Mechanical Engineering Technology major because I have no other choice now that interests me, used to be more excited with STEM but bad learning experiences and worrying about money are draining…
  • I prefer not to take more math classes but I might have to take Linear Algebra. It’s not that I don’t like math; I simply don’t like the pressure of (any) classes.
  • My goal after graduating from CityTech is to find a stable job that I can keep for at least five years.
  • Only thing I’m proud of is my self-proclaimed title of “potato”, and I’m particularly “good” at not being good at anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
  • This lockdown and pandemic has taught me that CUNY should reduce tuition costs for online classes. (Reallocate funds from a certain institution to CUNY if ever)
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