Professor Kate Poirier | OL67 | Fall 2020

Assignment: solving second order equations using reduction of order and variation of parameters

Due on the OpenLab Sunday, November 1

The last question of the WeBWorK set 8-SecondOrderNonhomogeneous is the only WeBWorK question which corresponds with section 5.6. The WeBWorK set 9-SecondOrderVariationOfParameters, which corresponds to Section 5.7, has only two problems. To make sure you are seeing enough examples applying the techniques of reduction of order and variation of parameters, you will also choose one textbook homework problem to solve from these sections. You’ll share your solution on the OpenLab.

  1. Choose a question number from this list:
    1. 5.6 Reduction of order: p.253: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 19, 25, 31
    2. 5.7 Variation of parameters: p.262: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 31, 33, 34
  2. Type your choice in the comments below (no more than two students per choice).
  3. Solve the problem and post your solution to the OpenLab. Title your post “Section [number] + question [number]” and select the appropriate category Second Order Reduction of Order or Second Order Variation of Parameters.
  4. After posts have been submitted, check someone else’s work and let them know your feedback in the comments on their post.

You will earn participation credit for completing this assignment.


  1. Sheyla Criollo

    5.7 problem 1

  2. Sheyla Criollo

    my email is i forgot to add it into my previous comment.

  3. Jian Hui

    5.6 Reduction of order: Problem 3.

  4. Tushar Shorma

    5.7 problem 1

  5. tshorma

    5.7 problem 1

  6. Oscar

    5.6 Problem 3

    Is it just one problem or one form each section?

  7. Ryjll Morris

    5.6 Problem 9

    • Ryjll Morris

      Problem 4

      • Ryjll Morris

        Problem 2

  8. Jennifer Agudelo

    5.6 question 5

  9. Ariel Itshaik

    5.6 Question 2

  10. Brian Enriquez


  11. F.Gonzalez

    5.6. Q-13

  12. Account Deleted


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