Monthly Archives: March 2023

The Mayor’s Office Internship Program

The Mayor’s Office Internship Program provides participants with the chance to gain valuable experience while helping to take on the challenges that city residents face and develop innovative solutions to build a better tomorrow. This unique opportunity allows interns to have hands on experience working on Mayoral and NYC agencies initiatives, projects, tasks, processes and/or procedures. There are 38 internship opportunities, with a wide variety of skills and focus areas including:

    • Culinary
    • Mental health
    • Research analyst
    • Engineering

Internships are available for high school, undergraduate, graduate, culinary, and law students.For a full breakdown of opportunities, descriptions, and education level, Click Here.Applications will close Friday, March 24, 2023 (11:59pm) candidates. Apply Here.

CMCE Peer Advisement 1PM -4PM (3/8/2023) [CLOSED]

CMCE Peer Advisement 1PM -4PM (3/8/2023) [CLOSED]

Tutor: Hong Hui Zhu

Tutoring Sessions: Tues 12PM – 3PM (Virtual) & Fri 1PM – 4PM (On-Campus)

Subjects: CMCE 1115, CMCE 1215, CMCE 2351


On-Campus in V217

Feel free to email me for help and questions. Please include class subject, textbook or picture of questions.