Prof K Pelka : Monday 6:00 - 9:20

Discussion 3

Henri Cartier Bresson as a very life like way of seeing things through a camera and how compositional elements can come together in a decisive moments in life. He talks about how every little moment is something you can’t see again cause that moment was their and now in life and it can’t not be repeated. In many ways his compositional elements come together by his awareness of things in life and that surrounds him and to him photography is a physical pleasure and it doesn’t take brains to do it as he said in the video. I really agree with him and I think trying to find these moments are not hard you just need to use your awareness of things and just keep going through life finding these moments. One small quote that Henri says is “it comes from what you want and what you see.” I thought this was great because he also says you have to forget yourself and you have to be yourself and I think that makes it great to get these life moments on camera.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    Through decisive compositional moments, you experience the moments Bresson captures.
    He either waits for the right moment which comes from working the subject

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