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Curiosity and Education – Frida

Curiosity is the desire to want to learn or know something. It is essential for the mind and human development.  It all begins with wondering which later on, makes us ask questions. Something I was interested in as a kid was learning about the world. I always had a strong desire to travel around the world and learn all about different types of cultures. I would always ask myself questions like what would it be like to adapt to another country.  I thought about many things such as culture, climate, money currency, living conditions, and even employment opportunities.  Wondering and asking about these things helped me learn about the world because as I grew up, I gained more knowledge about other countries. For example, when I visited Mexico I noticed that things over there were different from the United States. I learned that the Mexican peso is less than the United States dollar.  Another thing I learned was that houses in Mexico are made of concrete while houses here in the United States are made out of wood. This is because concrete buildings withstand not only flooding but also hurricane winds.  Wood is hardly durable for these types of climate disasters. This difference made me wonder why Mexico experience many natural disasters compared to the United States. The educational system played both a good and a bad role in my curiosity about the world. For one, I was able to learn about how global warming and climate change affect countries around the world. However, the education system lacked teaching me about global currencies and about culture in other parts of the world. The majority of the topics I learned in school mainly covered up American history. Not learning about these things made me even more curious about the world. This is still something that interests me. As I grow up and explore more, I will gain more knowledge about the world than what the educational system could ever teach me.


  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    I agree with you, Frida. Many years ago, when Science was just becoming a “thing,” many great thinkers thought that we could learn more from observing nature than from reading about it in a book. I think the same is true for traveling.

  2. Genesis

    The idea of traveling was always something I wanted to do ! Btw you are so lucky you went to mexico , My dream was always to go there since my brother has went several times and told me a lot about the culture ! Part of me feels that for our task you should mention the global topic

  3. Joel

    I agree with you that the education system should teach more about other country’s culture and about the currency they use. I could relate to your curiosity because I share that same integrity you have to explore beyond what education has limited us to.

  4. Katherine

    I also am interested in other peoples cultures, I have also traveled to Mexico – specifically Cancun and I too noticed the difference in house designs and the currency. The currency reminds me of Dominican Republic which is where I’m from.

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