Hey there, I see that this is your first class. Now don’t worry much because the teacher you got is the nicest teacher I have seen. You need help or any Question feel free to ask or email the professor. When first start this class you should try to contact your classmates asking if there is any group chat so that if you need help hopefully someone from that group chats to answer your question. It has been a great help having a class group chat for me and I do believe it’s gonna help you too. Now let’s come to the main point, I know you might be a little nervous but, hey it’s normal for most people. You should never be nervous even when you have lots of work left because nervousness will delay your work and take your energy away from you. Keep doing the homework and always try submitting on time and if you do that you can really feel enjoyment after ending the task and can enjoy the break. Stay strong and consistent.